
## 1.设置当前工作


## 2.安装和导入R包

# install.packages("batata")


# You can install the development version of batata from Github

# install.packages("remotes")

# remotes::install_github("feddelegrand7/batata")


## 3.R包功能测试

### 3.1 Get Help


# Package: batata

# Type: Package

# Title: Managing Packages Removal and Installation

# Version: 0.2.0

# Author: Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden

# Maintainer: Mohamed El Fodil Ihaddaden <ihaddaden.fodeil@gmail.com>

#  Description:

#  Allows the user to manage easily R packages removal and installation. It offers many functions to display installed packages according to

# specific dates and removes them if needed. The user is always prompted when running the removal functions in order to confirm

# the required action. It also provides functions that will install 'Github' starred R packages whether available on 'CRAN' or not.

# License: MIT + file LICENSE

# Encoding: UTF-8

# LazyData: true

# Imports: fs, utils, glue, lubridate, jsonlite, remotes, purrr

# RoxygenNote: 7.1.1

# URL: https://github.com/feddelegrand7/batata

# BugReports: https://github.com/feddelegrand7/batata/issues

# Suggests: knitr, rmarkdown, testthat

# VignetteBuilder: knitr

# NeedsCompilation: no

# Packaged: 2021-01-23 00:08:37 UTC; Administrateur

# Repository: CRAN

# Date/Publication: 2021-01-23 06:30:12 UTC

# Built: R 3.6.3; ; 2021-01-23 12:31:44 UTC; windows

### 3.2 R Main Function


# [1] "display_most_starred"  "display_starred"        "fresh_start"

# [4] "install_most_starred"  "install_starred_cran"  "install_starred_github"

# [7] "latest_packages"        "rm_latest_packages"    "rm_since_packages"

# [10] "rm_today_packages"      "rm_yesterday_packages"  "since_packages"

# [13] "today_packages"        "yesterday_packages"

vignette(package = "batata")

# The goal of batata is to help R users manage R packages removals. For example, imagine you’re attending tomorrow an R meet up in which you’ll experiment many packages that you don’t want to keep. By the end of the meet up, you’ll have to remember each installed package, its name (trust me, packages’ names may be complicated). Further, each installed package comes with a bunch of dependency which makes the operations more complicated. Using the batata package, you can just run rm_today_packages() (one of many other functions), and you’re clean for today. Before removing the packages, batata will prompt you to confirm your decision (which adds a certain degree of security), you can also run today_packages() to check all the today installed packages before making a decision.


# batata takes into account the modification time of the packages instead of the birth time. As such, if you decide to update a package to a newer version, batata will consider it as a new package (which is technically true as a new package will be installed).

### 3.3 fresh_start()

#@ 这个函数比较危险,它会把你安装的所有R包进行删除卸载,所以执行该函数时会让你确认两次后再行动


# Remove all the installed R packages from a specified library

# Usage

# fresh_start(lib = .libPaths())

### 3.4 today_packages() and rm_today_packages()


# Displays the packages installed in the current day

# Usage

# today_packages(lib = .libPaths())


# [1] "backports"  "batata"    "gam"        "GNRS"      "htmltools"  "lidR"

# [7] "margins"    "paradox"    "plm"        "quantreg"  "rlas"      "Rmpfr"

# [13] "robustbase" "sfheaders"  "VIM"        "WDI"


# Remove the packages installed yesterday

### 3.5 since_packages and rm_since_packages()


# Displays installed packages according to a specific date

since_packages(date = Sys.Date(), position = "at")

# [1] "backports"  "batata"    "gam"        "GNRS"      "htmltools"  "lidR"

# [7] "margins"    "paradox"    "plm"        "quantreg"  "rlas"      "Rmpfr"

# [13] "robustbase" "sfheaders"  "VIM"        "WDI"

### 3.6 latest_packages() and rm_latest_packages()


# Displaying the latest installed R packages


# packages  modification_time

# 1      batata 2021-01-23 20:31:45

# 2        VIM 2021-01-23 19:05:29

# 3  sfheaders 2021-01-23 19:05:27

# 4  robustbase 2021-01-23 19:05:26

# 5      Rmpfr 2021-01-23 19:05:25

# 6        rlas 2021-01-23 19:05:23

# 7    quantreg 2021-01-23 19:05:22

# 8        lidR 2021-01-23 19:05:21

# 9  htmltools 2021-01-23 19:05:20

# 10        gam 2021-01-23 19:05:20


# Remove the n latest installed R packages

### 3.7 display_most_starred

# Display the most starred R Github Repositories

display_most_starred(n = 20)

# [1] "ggplot2"                  "awesome-R"

# [3] "shiny"                    "dplyr"

# [5] "ML_for_Hackers"          "swirl_courses"

# [7] "AnomalyDetection"        "r4ds"

# [9] "bookdown"                "awesome-network-analysis"

# [11] "devtools"                "rmarkdown"

# [13] "knitr"                    "plotly"

# [15] "benchm-ml"                "patchwork"

# [17] "nyc-taxi-data"            "investing"

# [19] "gganimate"                "DataScienceR"

### 3.8 display_starred

# Display User's Github Starred Repositories

display_starred("JING-XINXING", n = 5, onlyR = FALSE)

# [1] "jill.py"

# [2] "toil"

# [3] "luigi"

# [4] "bpipe"

# [5] "BigDataScript"

### 3.9 install_most_starred

# Install the most starred CRAN packages

install_most_starred(n = 5)

# the following repositories, if availables on CRAN, will be installed:

#  ggplot2, awesome-R, shiny, dplyr, ML_for_Hackers

# Installing package into ‘C:/Users/lenovo/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’

# (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

# 试开URL’https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/3.6/ggplot2_3.3.3.zip'

# Content type 'application/zip' length 4073676 bytes (3.9 MB)

# downloaded 3.9 MB


# package ‘ggplot2’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked


# The downloaded binary packages are in

# C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpohYG0I\downloaded_packages

# Installing package into ‘C:/Users/lenovo/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’

# (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

# Installing package into ‘C:/Users/lenovo/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’

# (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

# 试开URL’https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/3.6/shiny_1.5.0.zip'

# Content type 'application/zip' length 5355486 bytes (5.1 MB)

# downloaded 5.1 MB


# package ‘shiny’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked


# The downloaded binary packages are in

# C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpohYG0I\downloaded_packages

# Installing package into ‘C:/Users/lenovo/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’

# (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

# 试开URL’https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/3.6/dplyr_1.0.3.zip'

# Content type 'application/zip' length 1536670 bytes (1.5 MB)

# downloaded 1.5 MB


# package ‘dplyr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked


# The downloaded binary packages are in

# C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpohYG0I\downloaded_packages

# Installing package into ‘C:/Users/lenovo/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’

# (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

# [[1]]

# [[1]]$result



# [[1]]$error




# [[2]]

# [[2]]$result



# [[2]]$error




# [[3]]

# [[3]]$result



# [[3]]$error




# [[4]]

# [[4]]$result



# [[4]]$error




# [[5]]

# [[5]]$result



# [[5]]$error




# Warning messages:

# 1: package ‘awesome-R’ is not available (for R version 3.6.3)

# 2: package ‘ML_for_Hackers’ is not available (for R version 3.6.3)

### 3.10 install_starred_cran

# installs the Github starred packages from CRAN

install_starred_cran(github_user, n = 5)

### 3.11 install_starred_github

# Install Github Starred Packages from Github

install_starred_github(github_user, n = 5, upgrade = "never")

## 4.结尾


# R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)

# Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

# Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)


# Matrix products: default


# locale:

#  [1] LC_COLLATE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936

# [2] LC_CTYPE=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936

# [3] LC_MONETARY=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936


# [5] LC_TIME=Chinese (Simplified)_China.936


# attached base packages:

#  [1] stats    graphics  grDevices utils    datasets  methods  base


# other attached packages:

#  [1] batata_0.2.0


# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):

#  [1] Rcpp_1.0.6          lubridate_1.7.9.2  jsonlite_1.7.2

# [4] magrittr_2.0.1      stats4_3.6.3        zip_2.1.1

# [7] rlang_0.4.10        stringi_1.5.3      curl_4.3

# [10] remotes_2.2.0      fs_1.5.0            S4Vectors_0.24.3

# [13] generics_0.1.0      openxlsx_4.2.3      tools_3.6.3

# [16] glue_1.4.2          purrr_0.3.4        tinytex_0.29

# [19] xfun_0.20          yaml_2.2.1          parallel_3.6.3

# [22] compiler_3.6.3      BiocGenerics_0.32.0



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