

Science, 04 December 2020, Vol 370, Issue 6521



Particle & Quantum Physics

Directly visualizing the momentum-forbidden dark excitons and their dynamics in atomically thin semiconductors


▲ 作者:Julien Madéo, Michael K. L. Man, Chakradhar Sahoo, Marshall Campbell, Vivek Pareek, E. Laine Wong, Abdullah Al-Mahboob, Nicholas S. Chan, Arka Karmakar, Bala Murali Krishna Mariserla, Xiaoqin Li, Tony F. Heinz, Ting Cao, Keshav M. Dani

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▲ Abstract

Excitons, electron-hole pairs held together by Coulomb attraction, can be generated in semiconductors under excitation and greatly influence the material's optoelectronic properties. Although bright excitons are optically active, their dark-state cousins have been more difficult to detect. They do, however, affect the optoelectronic properties through their interaction with light and bright excitons. Madéo et al. developed a pump-probe photoemission technique that is used reveal the spatial, temporal, and spectral dynamics of excitons. Demonstrated in two-dimensional monolayer films of tungsten diselenide, the technique could also be applicable to other semiconductor systems hosting excitonic excitations.

Super-resolution lightwave tomography of electronic bands in quantum materials


▲ 作者:M. Borsch, C. P. Schmid, L. Weigl, S. Schlauderer, N. Hofmann, C. Lange, J. T. Steiner, S. W. Koch, R. Huber, M. Kira

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▲ Abstract

Unraveling the functionalities of quantum materials such as spin-valley-electronic, topological, and many-body effects provides a route to exploiting these materials for applications. Borsch et al. introduce a spectroscopic technique based on the concept of crystal-momentum combs. By extending the ideas of frequency combs of metrology and superresolution imaging, they demonstrate the ability to directly map out the properties of quantum electronic structures under ambient conditions. Using this technique combined with accurate many-body computations, they were able to reveal tomographic images of two-dimensional quantum materials.


Biology & bionics

The exploitative segregation of plant roots


▲ 作者:Ciro Cabal, Ricardo Martínez-García, Aurora de Castro Aguilar, Fernando Valladares

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▲ Abstract

Much of the world's plant biomass exists out of sight underground in the form of roots. Cabal et al. developed a theoretical model and tested it empirically to explain the rules that govern root growth. Plants adjust how and where their roots grow according to how close neighboring—and competing—plants might be. The model extracts some of the rules about how root balls differ when grown close to neighboring plants compared with being grown in the absence of competition.

图片来源:MIKEL PONCE/science

Mechanisms of collision recovery in flying beetles and flapping-wing robots


▲ 作者:Hoang Vu Phan, Hoon Cheol Park

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▲ Abstract

Beetles have hardened forewings for the protection of their bodies and hindwings, and their use during crawling or burrowing is well understood. However, the behavior of the larger hindwings during collisions in flight has not been clear because they do not readily flex. Phan and Park present a detailed study of the folding and unfolding mechanisms of the hindwings in free-flying rhinoceros beetles in which the wings were impacted during flight to simulate a cluttered environment. They found that origami-like folds in the wing could rapidly collapse on impact and then spring back, thus acting as shock absorbers and stabilizers. The authors replicated this behavior in a flapping-wing robot, enabling it to fly safely after collisions.


Geology & Geography

Temperature limits to deep subseafloor life in the Nankai Trough subduction zone


▲ 作者:Verena B. Heuer, Fumio Inagaki, Yuki Morono, Yusuke Kubo, Arthur J. Spivack, Bernhard Viehweger, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, etc.

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▲ Abstract

Marine sediments represent a massive microbial ecosystem, but we still do not fully understand what factors shape and limit life underneath the seafloor. Analyzing samples from a subduction zone off the coast of Japan, Heuer et al. found that microbial life, in particular bacterial vegetative cells, decreases as depth and temperature increases down to ∼600 meters below the seafloor, corresponding to temperatures of ∼70°C. Below this limit, endospores are common—a remnant, and a potential reservoir, of bacterial life. Deeper still is a sterile zone, and below 1000 meters is a scalding realm populated by vegetative cells. At such great depths, high concentrations of acetate and sulfate coexist, and there are also signs of hyperthermophilic methanogenesis. These data provide a fascinating window into an extreme and inhospitable environment that nonetheless supports microbial life.

Long-term collapse in fruit availability threatens Central African forest megafauna


▲ 作者:Emma R. Bush, Robin C. Whytock, Laila Bahaa-el-din, Stéphanie Bourgeois, Nils Bunnefeld, Anabelle W. Cardoso, Jean Thoussaint Dikangadissi, Pacôme Dimbonda, Edmond Dimoto, Josué Edzang Ndong, Kathryn J. Jeffery, David Lehmann, Loïc Makaga, Brice Momboua, Ludovic R. W. Momont, Caroline E. G. Tutin, Lee J. T. White, Alden Whittaker, Katharine Abernethy

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▲ 摘要




▲ Abstract

Large mammal herbivores in African tropical forests are major consumers of fruit, and many tree species rely on these consumers for dispersal of their seeds. Bush et al. monitored fruit production over three decades in a protected national park in Gabon, showing an 80% decline across the 73 plant species monitored. At the same time, photographic records of forest elephants over the past decade indicate a substantial decline in body condition in these major herbivores. These results suggest that the capacity of the ecosystem to support the elephant population is decreasing, a worrying prospect in an environment that is still protected from other threats such as hunting and deforestation.



