翻译论坛| 秦观《鹊桥仙·纤云弄巧》(英译16版、韩译1版)


鹊桥仙 谢宇轩 - 鹊桥仙


Poems Live


中文朗读: 杜宇峰 [安徽广播电视台双语主持人,《中国安徽之声》《我们长三角》节目主编、《安徽之声》海外节目部主任]、安妮[安徽省朗诵艺术学会副会长、中国传媒大学艺术硕士]  英文朗读:杜宇峰、David Joyner博士[英国班戈大学孔子学院前英方院长]、李强 [河北卫视双语主播] 音频编辑:杜宇峰、许景城   背景音乐:卷珠帘[洞箫版])

鹊桥仙 徐千雅 - 鹊桥仙








鹊桥仙 褚海辰 - 鹊桥仙

          - 多版本译文 - 

- 译文1 -

The Magpie-Bridge Lore

By Qin Guan

Tr. Peter Jingcheng Xu (许景城 译)

Clouds fine like art,

stars flying with rue,

the Cowherd is inching across the Milky Way.

When the Golden Breeze meets with the Jade Dew,

it wanes all romances on earth in play.

Love like streams soft,

Date like dreams due,

Magpie Bridge sees them homeward reluctant to part away.

Were mutual love to last for good and true,

why should they conjoin always night and day?




















그들이 항상 밤낮으로 함께 할 필요는 없다네

- 译文2 -

Immortal at the Magpie Bridge

Qin Guan

许渊冲 译

Clouds float like works of art;

Stars shoot with grief at heart.

Across the Milky Way the Cowherd meets the Maid.

When autumn's Golden Wind embraces Dew of Jade,

All the love scenes on earth, however many, fade.

Their tender love flows like a stream;

This happy date seems but a dream.

Can they bear a separate homeward way?

If love between both sides can last for aye,

Why need they stay together night and day?

- 译文3 -

The Magpie Bridge Immortal

Qin Guan

赵彦春 译

A cloud plays, shown her art;

A star shoots, grieved his heart.

To steal o’er Silver River they start.

Once golden wind encounters dew impearled,

All loves are eclipsed in the mortal world.

Their love purls as a stream;

Their tryst is like a dream.

To Magpie Bridge, their eyes sadly gleam.

If two hearts can remain steadfast for aye,

Why need they keep together night and day?

- 译文4 -

Immortals on the Magpie Bridge

卓振英 译

Her love into th' clouds the Maid subtly weaves,

And th' shooting stars display how th' Cowherd grieves.

When dew falls the Milky Way sees their meeting rare.

However, no secular love can e'er compare

With the holy sentiments they for a time share.

Their tender feeling is like a long stream;

Their rendezvous's like a transient dream.

They may not bear to part at th' MagpieBridge! But nay,

So long as undying their affections will stay,

Whereat should they be bound up every night and day?

注:This tune name derives from the myth of the sincere love between the Cowboy (Niulang) and the Weaver (Zhinu), who are separated by the Heavenly Queen with the Milky Way and allowed to meet only once in a year at the bridge built by the magpies which sympathize with them.

- 译文5 -

Magpie Bridge

Tune: Que Qiao Xian

By Qin Guan

Tr. E.C.Chang (张畅繁 译)

Fine clouds show their artistic faces.

Blinking stars convey their grief in space.

So wide and dim to go across the Milky Way!

Meeting once a year in autumn is surely sweeter

than numerous earthly reunions on any given day.

Their feelings are as tender as water;

their annual date is like a dream forever.

On the magpie bridge, how can they bear

to turn homeward one more time?

If mutual love will last and never die,

why need to be together day and night?

- 译文6 -

Immortal at Magpie Bridge

Qin Guan

黄新渠 译

Fine clouds float easy and free,

Shooting stars shine with sorrow.

They enjoy a secret date once a year over the far-off Milky Way.

As fall wind hugs the chill dew,

They outshine all worldly dates.

Their tender love flows like a stream,

Their nice date is but a fancy dream.

How can they bear to go each one's way homeward?

If the love for each other goes on as ever,

Why need they stay together day and night?

- 译文7 -

Immortals at Magpie Bridge

Qin Guan

张智中 译

The changing of flimsy clouds

is irregular and artful;

the shooting stars are pouring out

their missing and yearning.

Stealthily across the Silver River

the Cowherd meets the Weaving Girl.

A single annual meeting in the seventh

evening of the seventh month amidst

golden autumn wind & jade-glistening

dew puts to shame countless couples

in the mortal world.

Water-like tender feelings,

dreamy ecstatic tryst, at parting

how can they bear to look back

at the Magpie Bridge?

So long as two sweet hearts

are forever fondly in love,

why in the company of each other

from sweet morning to sweet

evening and from sweet evening

to sweet morning?

- 译文8 -

The Seventh Night of the Seventh Moon

Qin Guan

初大告 译

(Herd Boy)

The soft clouds make decorations,

The shooting stars play harbinger, –

Far across the Silver River you secretly come to me.

Though only once a year we meet in the time of sharp wind and chill dew,

We are many times happier than the lovers on earth.

(Weaving Girl)

Our feelings are tender as water,

Our meeting is sweeter than a dream;

It is hard for me to look back on the homeward path from the Blackbirds Bridge.

But if our love for each other will long endure,

It makes no difference that we do not live together day and night.

- 译文9 -

To the Melody

Chin Guan

朱曼华 译

The Weaving-Girl with skillful fingers is clever,

As if gentle clouds were flying faster and faster.

Silently the Cowboy-Star crossed the Milky Way,

For releasing her grief on the Double-Seventh-Day*,

Like Golden Wind and Jade Dew merged once again.

No meeting was happier than the couple's reunion.

Their water-like tenderness was pretty warm,

Their reunion date's like a wonderful dream.

Weaving-Girl and Cowboy were reluctant to be apart,

The two heavenly stars knew true love would ever last,

Regardless of their mutual separation day and night.

* Chinese Double-Seventh-Day is similar to the Valentine's Day in the West.

- 译文10 -

Meeting at Magpie Bridge

曾冲明 译

A few clouds play still in the sky bright;

Stars twinkle to send love likely with griefs.

The cowboy and the sewer-girl meet tonight

In the Milky Way and during the golden autumn.

Their meeting once a year is far better

Than living together always on earth.

Their love is as tender as water;

Their meeting as short as a dream.

They fear to think of their new separation.

But if their love lasts long and forever,

Why should they live always together?

- 译文11 -


Qin Guan

徐忠杰 译

Clouds have their peculiar flair and skill;

They can change their size and shape, as they will.

Stars have qualities more wonderful still;

The hopes of their fellows, they can fulfill,

In those celestial regions, high above,

As links for one star to approach her love,

They help 'Lassie' to cross the Milky Way,

To see her 'Laddie' once a year, this day.

Their love is like heavenly dew for gods to drink.

To the human level, it would never sink.

One rendezvous between them is of more worth –

Than countless such as we have on this, our earth.

Their love is constant, as water is, in its flow.

Their lover's meeting is short, as sweet dreams go.

How she bears the sight of Magpie Bridge without a tear,

Which marks their separation for another year!

Since their affection is something that endure,

Must they bill andcoo as daily renewer?

- 译文12 -

Que Qiao Xian

Qin Guan

黄宏荃 译

The fleecy clouds affect patterns delicate;

The flying stars communicate their grief e'er so deep,

Crossing the expansive Milky Way they meet.

Alas! That single meet amid celestial winds and dews

Surpasses countless meets on earth.

Sweet tenderness overflows their hearts,

Short rendezvous passes like a dream:

Mournfully she contemplates her homeward way

Across the magpie-bridge!

Yet if two hearts are ever steadfast,

Though parted, they are together

Night and day!

- 译文13 -

To 'Gods on the Magpie Bridge'  

Qin Guan

Stephen Owen 宇文所安 译

Fine wisps of cloud sport their craft,

shooting stars bear word of the lovers' pain,

and now far off in the River of Stars

they are making the crossing unseen.

To meet just once in fall's metal wind

and in the jade white dew

turns out to be better by far

than the countless meetings of mortals.

Their tender feelings seem like water,

this sweet moment is as in dream­

how can they bear to turn their heads

to the path leading back over Magpie Bridge ?

But so long as both of them love

and so long as their love lasts on,

it does not need to be done

every night and every morning at dawn.

- 译文14 -

Fiber-like Cloud: To the Tune of the Immortal Magpies' Bridge

Qin Guan

谢艳明 译

Fiber-like cloud displays her art;

Flying stars pass their yearning rue.

They steal across the Milky Way far apart,

And meet in the gold wind and jade-like dew,

Surpassing all lovers on the mortal part.

Their tender love is like water clear,

This happy date seems to be a dream.

Parting, they look at the way back in tear.

If love between two sides last forever, they deem,

Why need they stay together day and night, so dear?

- 译文15 -

Immortals at Magpie Bridge

Qin Guan

李正栓 译

Fanciful clouds float and go;

Stars convey feeling of woe.

Cowherd and the Maid cross the Milky Way on the sly.

Once the Golden Wind and the Jade Dew meet,

It's better than countless human dating under the sky.

Tender is their feeling;

Their rendezvous is fleeting.

From Magpie Bridge how can they bear to return?

If two love alike and live long,

Is there need to cling to each eve and morn?

- 译文16 -

Immortals on the Magpie Bridge

Qin Guan

赵宜忠 译

The fiber-like clouds in the sky reveal their art,

But the meteors pass the lovesickness and the hate,

The cowherd crossed over the milky way at night.

Meeting once in pear-like dewdrops and golden wind,

Outnumbers the countless times in the mortal world.

Their love is as tender as water of a stream,

But their date of the tryst is just like a short dream,

They endure to see the way from the bridge back home.

If the love between two persons lasts for for good,

To stay together night and day,why do they need?

(With 12 syllables per line and rhyme aaabb cccbb)

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