


Launch X

Launch X 是一位名叫Laurie的女孩创立于2012年,目标是希望年轻人成长为企业家。Laurie的母校是MIT,最早组织这个项目,第一期只招收210名申请者当中的一小部分,约15%,在2017年扩招,同时去掉了MIT的标识,在2020年,Launch X 首次线上授课。LaunchX在MIT,西北,密歇根,宾大都组织过。2022年不知是否能去,不知会放在哪所高校,无限遐想啊!





这个夏校的申请分两步,得先申请 Summer Precollege, 然后再申请Summer@Stern, 录取的学生有两门4学分的必修课:

Business and Investments [MULT-UB 275]  

Behavioral Economics and the Science of Decision Making [MULT-UB 276]


Professor Gode joined NYU Stern in 1998. He teaches modeling financial statements, business drivers of industries, taxes and business strategy and essentials of business. Professor Gode has received three teaching awards at NYU Stern and is the founder of Almaris Consulting and Training. He consults with and teaches at corporations and financial institutions worldwide and is known for bringing his industry experience to the classroom. Professor Gode has an undergraduate degree in electronics engineering, MBA in Marketing, MS in Information Systems, MS in Accounting, and a Ph.D. in Accounting.
 Professor Alter is an Associate Professor of Marketing and the author of the New York Times best-seller Drunk Tank Pink. Professor Alter’s research focuses on judgment and decision making and social psychology, with a particular interest in the sometimes surprising effects of subtle cues in the environment on human cognition and behavior. Professor Alter’s studies have been featured on CNBC, PBS, and BBC Radio, and in The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalThe Economist and Newsweek.

Professor Meyvis is a Professor of Marketing and Peter Drucker Faculty Fellow. His research and teaching interests focus on consumer behavior, specifically consumers’ information processing and decision-making strategies. His research has been published in leading journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Psychological Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.



Leadership Seminars

圣母的Leadership Seminars夏校很有名,免费!2022年的时间已经出来了,在7月16-27日,它一般每年录取120名学生,基本要求是11 年级的学生,GPA在学校是前10%,SAT的范围在1300-1500,ACT要高于31分,当然今年这些不是必须。在2022年8月1日的时候超过16周岁是必须的。

对于国际生也有语言要求,必须递交托福或者多邻国。这所申请需要60美金,占位费是150美金,其他费用就没有了。申请从10月18日开始申请,1月24日截止(1月17日助学金申请截止),2月28日是各类标化考试的送分截止日。这所属于截止日期比较早的,大家注意关心 。


