Lifehouse《Between the Raindrops》



Everyday music





——《Between the Raindrops》

名: 《Between the Raindrops》

歌者Lifehouse&Natasha Bedingfield

词曲Jacob Kasher, Jude Cole & Jason Wade




[Verse 1: Jason Wade]

Look around

There's no one but you and me

Right here and now

The way it was meant to be

There's a smile on my face

Knowing that together everything that's in our way

We're better than alright

[Chorus: Jason Wade]

Walking between the raindrops

Riding the aftershock beside you

Off into the sunset

Living like there's nothing left to lose

Chasing after gold mines

Crossing the fine lines we knew

Hold on and take a breath

I'll be here every step

Walking between the raindrops with you

[Verse 2: Natasha Bedingfield]

Take me now

The world's such a crazy place

When the walls come down

You'll know I'm here to stay

There's nothing I would change

Knowing that together everything that's in our way

We're better than alright

[Chorus: Jason Wade & Natasha Bedingfield]

Walking between the raindrops

Riding the aftershock beside you

Off into the sunset

Living like there's nothing left to lose

Chasing after gold mines

Crossing the fine lines we knew

Hold on and take a breath

I'll be here every step

Walking between the raindrops with you

[Bridge: Jason Wade & Natasha Bedingfield]

There's a smile on my face

Knowing that together everything that's in our way

We're better than alright

[Chorus: Jason Wade & Natasha Bedingfield]

Walking between the raindrops

Riding the aftershock beside you

Off into the sunset

Living like there's nothing left to lose

Chasing after gold mines

Crossing the fine lines we knew

Hold on and take a breath

I'll be here every step

Walking between the raindrops with you



今天分享一首 Lifehouse(生命之屋乐队)的 《Between the Raindrops》。

今天再来一首另类摇滚乐队的歌。这首歌来自乐队2012年发布的第六张录音室专辑《Almería》。这首歌是他们第六张专辑中唯一的主打单曲。也是乐队首次录制的二重唱歌曲。对唱的歌手是英国创作歌手Natasha Bedingfield。这张专辑以风景如画的西班牙小镇Almería命名,20世纪60年代中期许多经典的意大利式西部片都在这里拍摄。正好乐队在加利福尼亚录制这张专辑的的Box Canyon工作室也有与专辑名字那个城市类似的景观。主唱Jason Wade说“有时候你的创作背景会在音乐中产生回响。”

这首歌的灵感来自Jason Wade。Wade说他是在与家人共处时有了这首歌的灵感的,“当时在我的脑海里,回荡着这段旋律”。然后他快速跑到录音室录下了他所有的灵感,就是这首歌的雏形,然后与乐队成员花了三个半月的时间完善了这首歌曲。谈到这首歌的曲调时他说 "这首歌是所有这些不同音乐风格的融合。这是一种意大利式的西部暗流混合在流行摇滚歌曲中的感觉。这条轨道一开始是一个完整的实验,一种意识流。在接下来的几个月里, Jude和我至少重写了六次这首歌。我们请了我们的朋友 Jacob Kasher来帮我们完成歌词。当Natasha来到录音室,在轨道上演唱时,我觉得这首歌真的变得坚定和生动起来。


Lifehouse是一支来自洛杉矶的美国摇滚乐队,成员包括Jason Wade(主唱、节奏吉他、钢琴)、Rick Woolstenhulme Jr.(鼓、打击乐)、Bryce Soderberg(贝斯、主唱)和 Steve Stout(主吉他)。乐队在 2001 年凭借首张录音室专辑《No Name Face》中的热门单曲“ Hanging by a Moment ”而成为主流。这首歌在公告牌现代摇滚曲目排行榜上连续三周排名第一,并在公告牌百强单曲榜上排名第二。单曲获得了公告牌音乐奖年度热门单曲 100 强,在前 10 名中呆了 20 周,在排行榜上呆了一年多。2012年的Almería专辑和2015 年的Out of the Wasteland专辑。产生了《You and Me》, 《First Time》,和 《Whatever It Takes》这些歌曲。这些歌曲都在榜单的前40内。

