The world under microscope





What do you want to be when you grow up?

When I was asked about my dream, I took it seriously and finally I wrote down like this: to be a scientist. This is my ten-year-old dream,very funny!

Life is not always like what you want, but I finally found my way to my dream through ups and downs. I became an experimental pathology technician, which is associated with scientist. So luck, I realized my dream in some way. LOL.

I knew little about pathology at the very beginning and it’s a tough subject for me, but now I’m so proud of my job as it brings me a lot of happiness which nothing else could replace. When I saw the beautiful photos, I was amazed by the pathologic world.

The first photo looks like the famous masterpiece Starry Night drawn by the great artist Van Gogh.

And the second photo looks like an ass, what do you think?

The third photo is really fantastic because it’s similar to a peacock spreading its tail feathers;

The last but not least photo is astonishing for it seems that the pathology is telling us her stories by recording her footprints.

Now you are supposed to understand my love to this job! It’s said that the luckiest person in the world is who can ”do what they like and like what they do”. Aren’t we the luckiest people being a pathology technician?


