
国际知识发现与数据挖掘大会(ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,简称SIGKDD)是数据挖掘领域的顶级国际会议。


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KDD 2018共收到投稿论文1479篇,其中研究性论文983篇,应用数据科学论文496篇,均创下新高。

本文选取了KDD 2018最佳应用数据科学论文进行介绍:

  • 论文题目

Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb

  • 作者

Mihajlo Grbovic、Haibin Cheng

  • 会议/年份


  • 链接(点击阅读原文也可获取)


  • Abstract

Search Ranking and Recommendations are fundamental problems of crucial interest to major Internet companies, including web search engines, content publishing websites and marketplaces. However, despite sharing some common characteristics a one-size-fitsall solution does not exist in this space. Given a large difference in content that needs to be ranked, personalized and recommended, each marketplace has a somewhat unique challenge. Correspondingly, at Airbnb, a short-term rental marketplace, search and recommendation problems are quite unique, being a two-sided marketplace in which one needs to optimize for host and guest preferences, in a world where a user rarely consumes the same item twice and one listing can accept only one guest for a certain set of dates. In this paper we describe Listing and User Embedding techniques we developed and deployed for purposes of Real-time Personalization in Search Ranking and Similar Listing Recommendations, two channels that drive 99% of conversions. The embedding models were specifically tailored for Airbnb marketplace, and are able to capture guest’s short-term and long-term interests, delivering effective home listing recommendations. We conducted rigorous offline testing of the embedding models, followed by successful online tests before fully deploying them into production.

  • 摘要


