"Art China" Viewing Objects from the Heart, Creating Images from the Mind-Appreciation of Li Xianbo's Chinese Paintings
Li Xianbo
Born in Dujiangyan, Sichuan in 1965, he is a contemporary Chinese painter. Member of Sichuan Artists Association, painter of Daxianyi Studio of Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, executive director of Dujiangyan Artists Association, special painter of Sichuan Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting, academician of Chengdu Shaocheng Academy of Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy, deputy dean of Sichuan Changjiang Painting Academy, good at Freehand flower and bird paintings, the creation of works is based on the aesthetics of "viewing objects with the heart" and "building images with the meaning" as the starting point. The works can be described as simple but not empty, light and tasteful. The white is black, the thin is the thick, the big Realm inaction. The author inadvertently incorporates Zen's emptiness and quietness into his paintings. There is not much ink, but the reality and the void are intertwined, which is full of interest.
李显波兄多年来专注花鸟画创作,后入国画大家秦天柱先生门下,随侍先生左右,亲聆先生教诲。其作品精进不可以里计,笔锋落处,画花,仿佛可以闻到芬芳,画鸟,好像可以听见鸣唱,寥寥数笔之间,俨然有大家气质。放眼吾蜀,像李显波兄这样的画坛俊杰,不是人才济济,而是凤毛麟角。余以为,假以时日,勤耕纸上,显波兄之成就难以限量,我只有提前为他备好鲜花与赞美。Brother Li Xianbo has devoted himself to the creation of flower and bird paintings for many years. Later, he joined the master of Chinese painting, Mr. Qin Tianzhu, and followed Mr. Servant to listen to Mr.'s teachings. His work must be diligent, and the pen is on the point where he paints the flowers, as if he can smell the fragrance, and when he paints the birds, he can hear the singing. In a few strokes, he seems to have everyone's temperament. Looking at Wushu, there are not many talents, but very few talents in the art world like Brother Li Xianbo. I thought that given time and hard work on the paper, Xianbo's achievements are hard to limit, so I can only prepare flowers and praise for him in advance.