Daily Inspiration④o②

悦读阅美约未来Read and read the future of the United States


Live gratefully. We come from chance. Life is the most precious gift. Love the person you love, treat everything gently, and don't resent and grieve because of misfortune. No matter how dangerous the future may be, we should always stand with a smile. Because of love, we should not be afraid. Rather than waste time expecting perfect people, I would like to spend time cultivating my imperfect self. Anyone has to ask himself, to be good at himself and to be tolerant of others.


The best people, like children, are sincere. Like the sunset, warm. Like the sky, quiet. You have to take what you want, or you can't afford it even if someone gives it to you. Only when you are strong can you not be trampled on by others. There is no regret, only now there is no effort!


Stride forward, the answer you want will come unasked at some point in the future. No matter how unknown and rugged it is, it is closer to happiness than waiting in situ. There is always someone who laughs, laughs and cries, thinking about it.


A person always has to take a strange road, watch strange scenery, listen to familiar songs, and then think of our days in an inadvertent moment. Familiar face, familiar appearance.


If I like a thing or a person very much. But it has not been, for a long time, even if someone hands it in front of me to give it to me, then I do not want it.


Use the spray of knowledge to propel the sail of thinking, use the spark of wisdom to ignite the spark of thought, and use the force of science to fly strong wings. To create a good life with romantic passion, only by making the self-abased mind self-confident, can the bent body stand upright.


People live in the world, there are too many things we can not give up. Even if a person is desperate, he may have a slight desire to survive before he dies. For example, to see a ray of warm sunshine, to see an ant walking idly in the courtyard, to see a green grass swaying in the wind.


Bad temper, not used to ancestors, how you treat me, how I return, is the first time to be a man, why let you, don't rely on your relationship with me on wanton act, I am not good temper to everyone.


Sometimes crazy, sometimes quiet, you say I am sick? Sometimes good, sometimes cruel, you say I am not a bad person? Want to be your warm sun, accompany you in spring, give you sunshine in summer, harvest in autumn, warm in winter.


It's good for a person to read and think quietly, but it's "one line" reading. A group of people reading, thinking and discussing together will be "a circle" reading, through other people's eyes, can see 360 degrees, three-dimensional space of different thinking. Thoughtful reading is meaningful, otherwise, it is just the data of another book that is stuffed into the brain, and it is not transformed into the important speculative energy of life.


Where you are, the weather is bright and everything is lovely. This summer, I like the blue and refreshing summer wind, no sadness, no heat and depression, just matches the blue. You know God is not fair. You can choose to love me or not; but I can only choose to love you or love you more.


Sometimes, we live very tired, not too mean, but we are too easy to be infected by the outside atmosphere, by other people's emotions. Walking in the crowd, we always feel that there are countless eyes piercing the heart and lungs, there are a lot of short and long gossip, eventually confused the mind, gradually tied to their own knitting in a mess. In fact, you are living for yourself, not many people can keep you in mind.



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