


了解过记忆领域的朋友们想必都听过一本书,英文名叫《The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci》,译名《记忆宫殿》,又译《西国记法》。是一本介绍利玛窦本人如何能有过目不忘的能力的书。

记忆宫殿法的基础是这样一项事实:我们非常善于记住我们所知的场所。“记忆宫殿”是一个暗喻,象征任何我们熟悉的、能够轻易地想起来的地方。它可以是你的家,也可以是你每天上班的路线。这个熟悉的地方将成为你储存和调取任何信息的指南。记忆宫殿的使用可上溯至古罗马时期,一些令人难以置信的记忆绝活也可归因于它。例如,8次世界记忆冠军Dominic O’ Brien,他能记住54张桌子上的所有牌(2808张)的顺序,每张牌只看一次。

记忆宫殿法是最强大的记忆技巧。它不仅有效,而且学起来完全不难。让我们来看一看TED talk 的Joshua Foer对此有什么独到的见解。

Joshua Foer在做记者的时候,曾经采访过 United States Memory Championship,也就是被称为“美国记忆冠军”的一个比赛。他认为自己采访的将会是一些天赋异禀的人,甚至是天才。他认为这些受访者一定会有很多特点值得去挖掘。于是,他就开始了自己的采访,但结果却出乎意料。

And we were standing outside the competition hall, and Ed, who is a wonderful, brilliant, but somewhat eccentric English guy, says to me, "Josh, you're an American journalist. Do you know Britney Spears?" I'm like, What? Why?" "Because I really want to teach Britney Spears how to memorize the order of a shuffled pack of playing cards on U.S. national television. It will prove to the world that anybody can do this."

我们站在竞赛大厅外面,Ed是一位非常优秀,聪明但有点古怪的英国人,他对我说:“Josh,你是美国记者,你知道小甜甜布兰妮吧?” 我一头雾水,“什么?当然认识了?为什么这么问?” “因为我真的很想在美国国家电视台想教布兰妮斯如何记住一副被打乱顺序的牌,这样就能向人们证明任何人都可以做到这一点。”


Everybody who competes in this contest will tell you that they have just an average memory. We've all trained ourselves to perform these utterly miraculous feats of memory using a set of ancient techniques, techniques invented 2,500 years ago in Greece, the same techniques that Cicero had used to memorize his speeches, that medieval scholars had used to memorize entire books.

参加本次比赛的每个人都会告诉你他们的记忆力只是一般水平。 我们都训练自己用2500年前在、希腊发明的一系列古老的技巧,西塞罗正是用了这些技巧去记忆他的演讲稿,中世纪学者也用这些技巧来背诵整本书。

We often talk about people with great memories as though it were some sort of an innate gift, but that is not the case. Great memories are learned. At the most basic level, we remember when we pay attention. We remember when we are deeply engaged. We remember when we are able to take a piece of information and experience, and figure out why it is meaningful to us, why it is significant, why it's colorful, when we're able to transform it in some way that makes sense in the light of all of the other things floating around in our minds, when we're able to transform Bakers into bakers.

我们经常谈论那些拥有超强记忆力的人,总觉得他们天赋异禀,但事实并非如此。强大的记忆力是可以习得的。根本来讲,专心致志及全心投入时就能记住。只要想办法 把信息和经验转化为有意义的事,想想为什么它很重要,为什么它很多彩,当我们能把它转化为有前因后果的事,并跟脑海中繁杂的其他事产生联想时,当我们能够将人名Baker变成面包师baker的时候,所有其他的东西都浮现在我们的脑海里。

The memory palace, these memory techniques -- they're just shortcuts. In fact, they're not even really shortcuts. They work because they make you work. They force a kind of depth of processing, a kind of mindfulness, that most of us don't normally walk around exercising. But there actually are no shortcuts. This is how stuff is made memorable.

记忆宫殿,这些记忆技巧,它们只是捷径。 事实上,他们甚至不是真正的捷径。 这个方法之所以有效是因为它迫使你思考。强迫你往更深层去想,让你更加专注。我们大多数人通常不会去训练这个技能。 但实际上并没有捷径。 这一直是我们能记住事物的原因。

I learned firsthand that there are incredible memory capacities latent in all of us. But if you want to live a memorable life, you have to be the kind of person who remembers to remember.



New Words:

eccentric [ɪk'sɛntrɪk] adj. 古怪的,反常的n. 古怪的人

shuffle ['ʃʌfl] v. 洗牌;推诿,推卸;拖曳,慢吞吞地走;搅乱n. 洗牌,洗纸牌;混乱,蒙混;拖着脚走

miraculous [mɪ'rækjələs] adj. 不可思议的,奇迹的

innate [ɪ'net] adj. 先天的;固有的;与生俱来的

 latent ['letnt] adj. 潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的





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