I Could Be the One(我能成为你的唯一)

I could be your sea of sand我愿成为你沙漠中的一片海

I could be your warmth of desire我愿成为你渴望中的温暖

I could be your prayer of hope我愿成为你希望的祷文

I could be your gift to everyday我愿成为你每天的礼物

I could be your tide of heaven我愿成为你天堂的潮汐

I could be a hint of what’s to come我愿成为你未来的预兆

I could be ordinary我很平凡

I could be the one但我愿成为你的唯一

I could be your blue eyed angel我愿成为你的蓝眸天使

I could be the storm before the calm我愿成为平静前的风暴

I could be your secret pleasure我愿成为你秘密的小确幸

I could be your well wishing well我愿成为你的许愿池

I could be your breath of life我愿成为你生命中的每一次呼吸

I could be your European dream我愿成为你的欧洲梦

I could be ordinary我很平凡

I could be the one但我愿成为你的唯一

Now I would lie here in the darkness此刻我隐匿于这片黑暗中

Now I would lie here for all time此刻我在这儿无尽地守候着你

Now I would lie here watching over you此刻我注视着你

Comfort you安慰你

Sing to you轻声唱歌给你听

I could be your worry partner我愿成为你制造麻烦的伴侣

I could be your socialite我愿也成为你的社交名流

I could be your green eyed monster我愿成为只为你吃醋的嫉妒鬼

I could be your force of light我愿成为你的光明力量

I could be your temple garden我愿成为你的圣殿花园

I could be your tender hearted child我愿成为心系于你的温柔孩子

I could be ordinary我很平凡

I could be the one但我愿成为你生命中的唯一

Now I would lie here in the darkness此刻我隐匿于这片黑暗中

Now I would lie here for all time此刻我在这儿无尽地守候着你

Now I would lie here watching over you此刻我注视着你

Comfort you安慰你

Sing to you轻声唱歌给你听

Will I ever change the journey我将影响你的人生轨迹吗

Will the hushed tones disappear这温柔的声音消失了吗

Oh little Ritaoh 亲爱的

Let me hold you让我拥抱你

Oh little Ritaoh 亲爱的

Let me love you让我拥抱你

I could be your leafy island我愿成为你的茂盛的岛屿

I could be your thunder in the clouds我愿成为划破你的乌云的闪电

I could be your dark enclosure我愿为你阻挡一切黑暗

I could be your romantic soul我愿成为你的浪漫灵魂

I could be your small beginning我愿成为你渺小的开始

I could be your suit in universe我愿成为你在宇宙披荆斩棘的战服

I could be ordinary我很平凡

I could be the one但我愿成为你的唯一

I could be ordinary我很平凡

I could be the one但我愿成为你的唯一

I could be ordinary我很平凡

I could be the one但我愿成为你的唯一

