20180626 长难句




That mismatch is dangerous for workers and their families. In America, crucial benefits, like medical care, retirement savings, unemployment insurance, and disability benefits remain largely tethered to traditional jobs.



The problem isn’t just relevant to those current working in the gig economy, it points to a larger issue: the failings of both the government and private sector to update and reinvent the way workers succeed in the U.S. economy, said Senator Mark Warner of Virginia at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic.


1. 首句中The problem指代上句的内容,可译为“这一问题”。

2. a larger issue 与 the failings of both the government and private sector to … 为同位语的解释关系; to update and reinvent the way workers succeed in the U. S. economy 为动词不定式充当后置定语修饰the government and private sectors

3. 如果专有名词翻译时遭遇障碍,则建议直接饮用该专有名词的英文表达即可。


gig economy 零工经济(A gig economy is an environment in which temporary positions are common and organizations contract with independent workers for short-term engagements.)

working 运作方式

point to … 指向……

failing n.  弱点,缺陷,短处

private sector 私营成分,私营部门

reinvent 重复发明,彻底改造,重新使用

succeed 在……中获得成功;

Senator n. 参议员

Aspen 阿斯彭(科罗拉多中西部的一座城市)

co-host 联合主办; 联合主办

Atlantic adj.  在大西洋里的,近大西洋的; (the Atlantic)大西洋


The problem isn’t just relevant to those current working in the gig economy, it points to a larger issue: the failings of both the government and private sector to update and reinvent the way workers succeed in the U.S. economy, said Senator Mark Warner of Virginia at the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic.

Virginia州的议员Mark Warner在由Aspen Institute 和The Atlantic 联合主办的Aspen Ideas Festival (阿斯彭理念节)活动上说,这一问题不仅仅与“零工经济”当前的运作方式相关,它指向了一个更大的问题:在美国经济中,政府和私营部门未能升级改造劳动者获得成就感的途径。


While jobs at Uber, TaskRabbit, and a host of other sharing-style companies are what might be top of mind, there are plenty of older, traditional industries that are now also employing workers on a less than full-time basis, such as manufacturing.

