Ted青少年演讲课 19-改变自己,你只需要两年时间 III
● 上节课回顾
上一期演讲中,作者指出每天有目标地前进,两年时间就能创造奇迹。怎么做到有目标地前进呢?作者提出,尝试从你一直都想做的事情开始,Start something you've always wanted to do.
Part 1 演 讲 视 频
Pre-watching 带着问题听演讲
How to improve yourself in two years?
Part 2 段 落 学 习
The days will become more than just a means to an end.
You’ll see yourself evolving.
If you had the choice between feeling great,
energetic and in a positive mood,
versus feeling sleepy and moody, what would you choose?
It’s just a choice, which combined with small, even tiny actions
like reducing meat or alcohol consumption,
or simply drinking more water,
walking the stairs or biking to the office,
You can do wonders.

Part 3 重 点 解 析
Key Points 演讲重点
Key Points 演讲重点
The days will become more than just a means to an end. You’ll see yourself evolving.
means /miːnz/
(n.) 方法,手段
means of communication/transportation通讯手段/交通工具
a means to an end达到目的的手段
I didn't particularly like the job - it was just a means to an end.我不是特别喜欢这项工作——它不过是一个谋生手段罢了。
by all means (表示许可)好的,当然可以
"May I borrow this book?" "By all means."“我可以借这本书吗?”“当然可以。”
by no means/not by any means=not at all决不,一点都不
It is by no means certain that we'll finish the project by June.我们能否在6月份前完成这项工程还很不确定。
evolve /ɪˈvɒlv/
(v.) (使)逐步发展;(使)逐步演变;(使)逐渐形成;(使)进化
Did humans evolve from apes?人类是由猿进化而来的吗?
see sb do sth vs see sb doing sth
see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事; 看见某人做某事全过
see sb doing sth看某人正在做某事
Key Points 演讲重点
If you had the choice between feeling great, energetic and in a positive mood, versus feeling sleepy and moody, what would you choose?
energetic /ˌen.əˈdʒet.ɪk/
(adj.) 精力充沛的;充满活力的
I tried aerobics but it was too energetic for me. 我试过有氧运动,但是对我来说它太剧烈了。
positive /ˈpɒz.ə.tɪv/
(adj.) 建设性的;积极的;怀有希望的
a positive attitude乐观的态度
The past ten years have seen some very positive developments in East-West relations.在过去的10年中东西方关系有了一些非常积极的发展。
versus /ˈvɜː.səs/
(prep.) 以…为对手;对
Tomorrow's game is Newcastle versus Arsenal.明天的比赛是纽卡斯尔队对阿森纳队。
moody /ˈmuː.di/
He can be moody sometimes.他有时脾气很坏。
Key Points 演讲重点
It’s just a choice, which combined with small, even tiny actions, like reducing meat or alcohol consumption, or simply drinking more water, walking the stairs or biking to the office.
You can do wonders.
combine /kəmˈbaɪn/
(v.) (使)结合;(使)联合;(使)合并;(使)综合
Sickness, combined with terrible weather, contrived to ruin the trip.疾病,加上恶劣的天气,毁掉了这次旅行。
consumption /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/
As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.我们整个国家对垃圾食品的消费量十分惊人。
These products are not for national consumption, but for export.这些产品只供出口不供国内消费。
wonder /ˈwʌn.dər/
With all the wonders of modern technology, why has no one come up with a way to make aircraft quieter?既然现代科技创造了如此多的奇迹,为什么没人想个办法让飞行更安静一些呢?

Part 4 学 后 挑 战
3: 我今天学到的三个知识点
2: 我有两个问题要问
1: 我想学更多关于___ 的内容