英语原版文章:Here Ponto



这篇文章的题目是:Here Ponto


1.'Here Ponto! Here Ponto! ' Kate called to her dog.

“这里,庞托! 这里,庞托!”凯特叫她的狗。

called to her dog 叫她的狗

2.'Come, and get the dolls out of the pond.'


 get the dolls out of the pond 把洋娃娃从池塘里拿出来

3.The dolls were named Rose and Bess.


4.They were floating on the top of the water.


on the top of the water 水面上

5.Ponto came with a bound and jumped into the pond.


 came with a bound 跳跃而来
 jumped into the pond 跳进了池塘

6.He swam around and got Bess in his mouth and brought her to the shore.


swam around 游来游去 in his mouth 嘴里 brought her to the shore 把她带到岸边

7.Ponto then found Rose and brought her out too.


 brought her out 把她带了出来

8.Kate said, 'Good, old Ponto! Brave old dog!'


Brave old dog 勇敢的老狗


'Here Ponto! Here Ponto! ' Kate called to her dog. ”Come, and get the dolls out of the pond.'

The dolls were named Rose and Bess. They were floating on the top of the water.

Ponto came with a bound and jumped into the pond.

He swam around and got Bess in his mouth and brought her to the shore.

Ponto then found Rose and brought her out too.

Kate said, 'Good, old Ponto! Brave old dog!'


1.Who is Kate's dog?

2. What are the names of Kate's two dolIs?

3. Did the dolls float or sink?

4. How did Ponto rescue the dolls?

1.Ponto is Kate's dog.
2.Kate's two dolls' names are Rose and Bess.
3.The dolls floated.
4.Ponto came with a bound and jumped into the pond.
He swam around and got Bess in his mouth and brought her to the shore.
Ponto then found Rose and brought her out too.




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