黄文琪雅思口语 Part1必考题hometown语料
1 sky-high adj. 极高的;高昂的
The cost of living is sky-high. 消费特别高。
2 towering skyscraper 摩天大楼
The cityscape is quite attractive due to the towering skyscrapers.
3 be like a magnet for tourists 像吸铁一样吸引游客
The city is like a magnet for tourists. 这个城市像吸铁一样吸引游客。
4 densely-populated 人口密集的
The city is densely-populated. 这个城市人口密集。
5 harsh climate 恶劣的天气
The climate in my hometown is harsh. 我家乡的天气比较恶劣。
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