【新刊速递】第69期 | International Organization,(新冠特刊), 2020


《国际组织》(International Organization),简称“IO”,是一份经过同行评议的季刊,涵盖国际事务的领域包括:外交政策、国际关系、国际与比较政治经济学、安全政策、环境争端与解决、欧洲一体化、联盟模式与战争、谈判与冲突解决、经济发展与调整、国际资本流动等。它成立于1947年,由剑桥大学出版社代表国际组织基金会出版,主编是乔治城大学的ErikVoeten。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2019年其影响因子为5,在95种国际关系期刊中排名第2。


【编译】杨紫茵 刘瑛琛 任潇依 肖龙

【审校】刘瑛琛 肖龙 杨紫茵 任潇依 李源



1. Pandemic Response as Border Politics


2. The Big Reveal: COVID-19 and Globalization's Great Transformations


3. Health Diplomacy in Pandemical Times


4. The Politics of Pandemic Othering: Putting COVID-19 in Global and Historical Context




【题目】Pandemic Response as Border Politics

【作者】Michael R. Kenwick,罗格斯大学政治学系助理教授;Beth A. Simmons,宾夕法尼亚大学法学院讲席教授。


Pandemics are imbued with the politics of bordering. For centuries, border closures and restrictionson foreign travelers have been the most persistent and pervasive means by which states have responded to global health crises. The ubiquity of these policies is not driven by any clear scientific consensus about their utilityin the face of myriad pandemic threats. Instead, we show they are influenced by public opinion and preexisting commitments to invest in the symbols and structures of state efforts to control their borders, a concept we callborder orientation. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, border orientation was already generally on the rise worldwide. This trend has made it convenient for governments to “contain” the virus by externalizing it, rather thantaking costly but ultimately more effective domestic mitigation measures. We argue that the pervasive use of external border controls in the face of the coronavirus reflects growing anxieties about border security in the moderninternational system. To a great extent, fears relating to border security have become a resource in domestic politics—a finding that does not bode well for designing and implementing effective public health policy.






【题目】The Big Reveal: COVID-19 and Globalization's Great Transformations

【作者】Kathleen R. McNamara,乔治城大学埃德蒙·A·沃尔什外事学院教授;Abraham L. Newman,乔治城大学埃德蒙·A·沃尔什外事学院教授。


Analysis of the post-COVID world tends to gravitate to one of two poles. For some, the pandemicis a crisis that will reshuffle the decks, producing a fundamental reordering of global politics. For others, the basic principles of the international order are likely to remain much the same, driven largely by the emergingbipolar system between the US and China. We find both narratives dissatisfying, as the former overinterprets the causal role of the pandemic itself, while the latter underappreciates the critical ways in which global politicshave been transformed beyond the state-centered system of the Cold War. We argue instead that the pandemic exposes underlying trends already at work and forces scholars to open the aperture on how we study globalization. Mostcentrally, we contend that globalization needs to be seen not just as a distributional game of winners and losers but rather a more profoundly transformational game that reshapes identities, redefines channels of power andauthority, and generates new sites for contentious politics. We draw on emerging work to sketch out a theoretical frame for thinking about the politics of globalization, and assess some of the key policy arenas where COVID-19is accelerating the transformative effects of globalization. In so doing, we suggest a roadmap to a post-pandemic research agenda for studying global markets that more fully captures these transformations and their implicationsfor world politics.






【题目】Health Diplomacy in Pandemical Times

【作者】Tanisha M. Fazal,明尼苏达大学教授。


One likely effect of the COVID-19 pandemic will be an increased focus on health diplomacy, a topicthat has rarely been taken up by international relations scholars. After reviewing existing literature on health diplomacy, I argue for the utility of distinguishing states’ aims from their practices of health diplomacyin advancing our understanding of when states engage in health diplomacy with a bilateral, regional, or global scope. The recent history of twenty-first century infectious disease outbreaks suggests a possible move away fromhealth diplomacy with global participation. COVID-19 provides numerous examples, from widespread criticism of the World Health Organization to increased bilateral health aid and the creation of a regional vaccine initiative.As pandemics become more frequent, however, more localized health diplomacy is likely to be less effective, given the necessity of global mitigation and containment.






【题目】The Politics of Pandemic Othering: Putting COVID-19 in Global and Historical Context

【作者】Kim Yi Dionne, 美国加州大学河滨分校政治学系副教授;Fulya Felicity Türkmen, 美国加州大学河滨分校政治学系博士生。


As COVID-19 began to spread around the world, so did reports of discrimination and violence againstpeople from marginalized groups. We argue that in a global politics characterized by racialized inequality, pandemics such as COVID-19 exacerbate the marginalization of already oppressed groups. We review published researchon previous pandemics to historicize pandemic othering and blame, and enumerate some of the consequences for politics, policy, and public health. Specifically, we draw on lessons from smallpox outbreaks, the third bubonicplague, the 1918 influenza pandemic, and more recent pandemics, such as HIV/AIDS, SARS, and Ebola. We also compile reports to document the discrimination and violence targeting marginalized groups early in the COVID-19 pandemic.This article lays bare the continuation of a long history of othering and blame during disease outbreaks and identifies needs for further inquiry to understand the persistence of these pandemic politics.





