Nimura Daisuke
Nimura Daisuke(二村大辅)1978年出生于日本大阪,他没有读过正规的大学,高中在大阪工艺和设计高中学习设计课程,毕业后便到创意设计公司实习工作。后来他成为了一名自由插画家,平时为杂志画一些插图之外也会接一些平面设计的工作。Nimura Daisuke现工作生活于大阪。

Nimura Daisuke插画作品中描绘的都是日常生活中的再寻常不过的普通人,但波澜不惊的日子里也会有令人愉悦的小趣味。Nimura Daisuke 画相互恶搞或调侃的小伙伴,其乐融融的家庭成员,诙谐幽默的小情侣,也用自己的方式画经典唱片封面,电影或油画作品中的人物。

关于Nimura Daisuke的一篇访谈
What first sparked your interest in illustration? Who are your illustration heroes?
When I was little, I was excited to see the artworks of Akira Toriyama, ‘managaka' (Japanese cartoonist). I imitated his artworks a lot, I was very glad that my parents and friends made compliments about my drawing.
My illustration hero is Taiyo Matsumoto who is also a mangaka. I respect him. His drawing is really amazing.
What's been the best audience reaction to your gif works?
Firstly, I got a lot of reaction to my GIF work "Ohayo-gozai-masu (Gooood-morniiiiing)!" from all over the world. People from other countries sent me many comments like "I had a similar experience,” which makes me realise that these everyday situations are common around the world.
Is there something uniquely Japanese about your work?
I think my style is simple, plain, sober. I have no intention of manifesting my Japanese heritage, but I represent something the Japanese have always done or felt. And try to make people chuckle.
How would you describe your process in creating characters? Such as the illustrations for Fuku-chan of FukuFuku Flats and the Teradacho Festival motion flyer?
About creating the characters Fuku-chan of FukuFuku Flats, I simply represented the characters from the movie with my style.
But for the Teradacho Festival, I wanted to make people come to the festival if they saw the motion flyer. I was conscious of making these characters have a silly atmosphere, be loved by people, and overlap with themselves. I drew a character who looks like a bit stupid. That is very important point.
What would be your dream project to work on?
My wish is to create a LEGO character. And I'd be very happy if I could work constantly with the most advanced advertisement and animation.
What are you working on right now?
I'm working on an advertisement for a Japanese shopping mall, a Japanese TV program, Mr. Hyde and some foreign magazines.
You work in a range of media - do you have a preference for print or digital outcomes?
I prefer to publish my works by print. But it doesn't mean I don't like the digital image. Recently someone stole my illustration from internet, they printed it onto T-shirts, an iPhone case etc. and sold it without my permission. I want them to quit that.
What has been your favourite project to work on – either a personal or commercial project?
It's difficult to choose one... I like the series Lovers HYMN in my personal works. Another favourite personal work is a series of Katte ni Koukoku – I drew advertisements of well-known companies but in my own way. At the beginning of my career I didn't have a lot of requests from clients and I wanted to work more as an illustrator. That's why I did the Katte ni Koukokuproject.
I really appreciate all staff of My Hide. They respect my illustration, I always draw freely and enjoy it. They tell me "we need a illustration of like this situation." After that, they respect my idea.
And I like an illustration for a new year's card in 2016. That is a portrait of my wife and me. I'll add our baby in it next year.