
原文作者:Robin Feldman
原文标题:Our patent system is broken. And it could be stifling innovation
原文副标题:Patents were never supposed to reward failure







建国以来的情况就是如此。1790年,国会颁布了第一项专利法规,乔治·华盛顿签署了第一项美国专利,该专利由塞缪尔·霍普金斯(Samuel Hopkins)负责制造钾肥。从那时起-并通过多次重复专利法规-法律一直要求专利持有人披露他们的发明,以便那些“精通这项技术”的人能够在专利过期后制作和使用。专利交易的双方--社会的和发明者的--都被严格和谨慎地限制在专利权人可以证明已经创造的精确的发明上。














Our patent system is broken. And it couldbe stifling innovation.

Patents were never supposed to rewardfailure

Patents are supposed to incentivizesuccess. Across more than 200 years, they have emerged as an important tool foradvancing society by encouraging inventors to create and share successfulinnovations, in exchange for the right to exclude others from the market for alimited period of time.

And yet that’s not how patent law workstoday. Rather, we are at risk of incentivizing failure. The courts, Congressand boardrooms are advancing a simple logic that turns the patent system on itshead. The consequences are on display in the pharmaceutical industry, whichuses patents on successful drugs as vehicles to compensate for the lossescompanies incur when other research doesn’t pan out. Even worse, patents havebecome a way to gain an extended monopoly in the marketplace, one that reachesfar beyond anything related to the drug itself.

For example, a Johnson & Johnson reportargues that the cost of a drug should not only reflect research costs relatedto that drug, but also should include expenses from “drug candidates that failin development.” The company contends that “pharmaceutical companies and therest of the scientific community can learn from these failures to improve theresearch process,” suggesting that consumers should pay for these failures. Thereport’s approach epitomizes how the pharmaceutical industry justifies highprices for medication.

But while science may learn from failures,that has nothing to do with patents or what they’re intended to do. In fact,the entire notion of compensating for failed research puts the modernapplication of patent law on a collision course with the history and theory ofpatents, reaching back to this nation’s inception.

The patent system is designed to rewardsuccess. One does not receive a patent for an invention one tried and failed tocreate. Similarly, a patent’s reward reflects the successful invention, ratherthan compensation for other attempts gone bad.

And that has been the case since thenation’s founding. In 1790, Congress enacted the first patent statute andGeorge Washington signed the first U.S. patent, which went to Samuel Hopkinsfor an invention related to making potash. Since that time — and throughvarious iterations of the patent statute — the law has consistently requiredpatent holders to disclose their invention so that those “skilled in the art”can make and use it after the patent has expired. Both sides of the patent deal— society’s and the inventor’s — are strictly and carefully limited to theprecise invention that the patentholder can prove to have created.

In fact, there was not a single patent lawor court case between 1790 to 1865 stating or even indicating that a patentgrant was intended to compensate the patentee for the costs of developing afailed (that is, never-patented) invention. Indeed, with limited exceptions,early patent law does not even suggest that a patent should compensate for thecosts of developing the successful invention being patented, let alone costsbeyond the patented invention. It was about granting intellectual property forthat invention.

During the 1930s and 1940s, the courtsdeveloped a doctrine of law prohibiting patent misuse, which is broadly definedas an impermissible attempt to expand the time or scope of a patent. The goalwas to ensure that the nation’s patent laws did not provide a pass forviolating antitrust law. And so, when a patent holder tries to extend itspatent power outside the bounds of the patent, it acts improperly.

All of this shows how closely the patentsystem has clung to the specific boundaries of the invention disclosed in thepatent, while not concerning itself with costs of other research.

This all changed in 2006, when the MedicareModernization Act went into effect, providing full Medicare coverage forprescription drugs. With a vastly expanded and secure marketplace,pharmaceutical companies began raising prices on existing and new medications.To justify soaring price points, companies needed a way to legitimize theirhigh profit margins. Compensating for the failed drugs — the ones that didn’tmake it to market — fit the bill.

To maintain those high prices across time,companies had to keep cheaper competitors out of the market, including throughanticompetitive gaming of the patent system. Any attempt to rein in such behavior,to this day, is met with the argument that the system should compensate thecompanies for drugs that never made it to market.

Ensuring that rewards cover the costs offailure might appear logical at first glance. After all, if one wants inventorsto invest in new research, shouldn’t the payoff be large enough to compensatefor the pain of slogging through the long, cold winters of failure?

As appealing as the concept may sound,however, allowing the patent system to compensate for the cost of failures hasa perverse effect, particularly when industry uses it to lobby for expansion ofpatent protection. The argument has become: We to need to hold off competitionmore, so that we can charge more to compensate for past failures. But thatdistorts the purpose of a patent: encouraging companies to succeed — and in themost efficient manner possible. If patents reward failure, then the more acompany fails, the longer and broader of a monopoly they’ll need when they dosucceed. But why would we want a patent system that rewards companies more whenthey are less successful?

In a perfect world, one might expectpurchasers to create a natural brake on the system. In theory, one cannotcharge a price unless buyers are willing to pay. Health care is a strangemarket, however. Patients may consume the medication, but doctors are in chargeof choosing it, and insurance pays for much of it. As a result, consumers donot have full information and do not bear the full burden of the costs. Inaddition, modern strategic behaviors in the drug approval and reimbursementsystem can diminish the competition that might otherwise prevent drug companiesfrom raising prices unchallenged. Thus, the normal pressures that would limitprices are dampened in the market for prescription medicine.

Incentivizing failure is particularlyproblematic in light of a historic shift in the pharmaceutical industry overthe past decade. Faced with stagnating research results, the industry hasshifted to outsourcing innovation. Specifically, the majority of innovation inthe pharmaceutical industry comes from academia or from small life-sciencecompanies. Large pharmaceutical companies then shepherd the drugs through theFDA approval process and into production. And so, at the end of the day, thebig companies — the ones arguing for compensation for failure through hefty patentreturns — are not the ones taking the greatest risks for drug development.Rather, they are gaming the patent system: maintaining high prices and keepingcompetitors out with patent protections.

Consider Gilead’s hepatitis C cure,Sovaldi. The company more than recouped what it paid for the drug in the firstyear of sales alone. And after five years, the company reaped in excess of $58billion dollars from sales of the drug, more than five times what it paid toacquire the drug from the start-up that took the initial risk and engaged inthe innovation. Or consider Merck’s immunotherapy drug, Keytruda. In 2020alone, the drug’s sales topped $14 billion, with no signs of flagging. Forbesestimates that the value of Keytruda is $200 billion — a far cry from the $300million the company paid to acquire it.

And Keytruda’s boatload of patentsinsulates the company’s pricing scheme from competition. Yet the true innovator— that is, the company that took the research risk — isn’t the one reaping thelion’s share of the reward. Rather, the bulk of the patent reward is going tothe company that walked the last mile.

Examples such as these show how modernpharmaceutical markets allow large companies to be over-rewarded whileinnovators are under-rewarded. If society actually wanted a patent system thatcompensates for failure, the dollars would go to those who make the investmentin the research and take the risk of failure — the inventors. None of that ishappening here. Instead, by passing so little of the profit to those whoperform the successful research, the system dilutes the incentive for research.We are not just incentivizing failure, we are sending those dollars to theleast inventive part of the innovation chain.

In short, incentivizing failure is ascounterproductive as the phrase sounds. Why would we want a patent system inwhich the less efficient person — the one who fails more along the way — gets alarger reward? Unless we recognize that problem, the nation may find itselfsliding quietly into an approach that undermines the contours of the patent systemfrom time immemorial, hampering our ability to innovate in crucial areas.

