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本次文献选自Zakrzewska JM. Differential diagnosis of facial pain and guidelines for management. Br J Anaesth. 2013;111(1):95-104.本次学习由杨聪娴副主任医师主讲。
Dworkin and colleagues published the Research Diagnostic Criteria1 for TMD in 1992 suggesting a dual axis approach, taking into account psychological factors. It has been used as a basis for research internationally. However,it is too complex for routine clinical use and has been modi-fified by others and updated (to be published in late 2013) by an international panel in order to be more clinically useful. Patients can have more than one diagnosis (e.g. muscle painwith or without disc displacement and limitation in opening).
The commonest form is an acute onset pain often relatedto prolonged opening (e.g. dental treatment or trauma).Management is reassurance, soft diet, and analgesics.Muscle pain is the commonest cause and often involves both the muscles of mastication and the neck. It is important to take a comprehensive history to elicit yellow flflags as they often result in chronicity.
The features of the masticatory form of TMD are given inTable 1. To make the diagnosis, it is crucial to appreciate that palpation needs to induce the same pain reported by the patient. Intra articular disc problems, with or without displacement, result in clicking and, if the disc does not reduce,intermittent locking. Limited opening is defifined as ,<40 mmmaximum with assisted opening (distance between the anterior incisors). Degenerative disorders present with marked crepitus (reported by the patient and detected on palpation)and are often not associated with pain. Subluxation problemsare mainly found in patients with hypermobility and areassociated with deviation of the jaws on opening. Imagingis not required for masticatory problems but can be usefulin joint disorders to confifirm the clinical fifindings; however,its use is controversial.
The aims of management are to decrease pain and functional limitation and improve quality of life. This is done through a wide range of therapies but overall selfmanagement through education needs to be encouragedas improved self-effificacy leads to fewer symptoms. Therapies range from diet, splint, physiotherapy, drugs, psychological,and surgical.
RCTs and systematic reviews of treatments have been published. Many studies suffer from signifificant bias,but more recent RCTs are of higher quality. The primary outcome measures in most of the studies were pain; quality of life, daily activities, and psychological statuswere rarely reported even though there is good evidencethat oral health related quality of life is impaired by TMD.
The most common form of therapy, carried out by dentists, is the use of a variety of intraoral appliances, mainlyworn at night. There may be some effificacy for the hardfull coverage stabilization splints whereas others, which do not take into account occlusion, are prone to cause signififi-cant adverse events if misused (e.g. movement of teethand malocclusion). A recent RCT suggests that, in thelonger term, education may be more benefificial than splints. Acupuncture is of limited long-term benefifit and there is insuffificient evidence to support the use of low level laser therapy.There is currently some evidencefor the effectiveness of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)and physiotherapy.
A Cochrane systematic review found 11 poor-quality studies on pharmacological therapy and there is inconclusive evidence for analgesics, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants,and other miscellaneous drugs. An open-label study of amitriptyline showed some benefifit whereas no benefifitwas noted in an RCT of Botulinum Toxin.
If there is a functional element (e.g. crepitus, limitation inmovement), surgical therapies may be useful. The least invasive is arthrocentesis, a form of lavage performed under local anaesthesia but results are not maintained. Arthroscopy is a more invasive procedure performed under general anaesthesia and allows more exploration. It can be taken astage further to perform open surgery on the joint; this may increase functionality but relapses are common.A proposed management pathway for TMD is summarizedin Table 1.