On Friday, the hit TV series My Best Friend's Story, which has been a frequently top searched topic on the Sina Weibo, broadcast its final two episodes, making a splash online.周五,三天两头上热搜的电视剧《流金岁月》终于迎来大结局,让许多观众意难平。Adapted from Hong Kong writer Yi Shu's novel of the same name, the TV drama teams up the major creators of The First Half of My Life, a television drama also adapted from Yi's novel.这部剧改编自中国香港作家亦舒的同名小说,由《我的前半生》编导团队再次操刀,将亦舒笔下的女郎们再一次搬上荧屏。In the golden era of Hong Kong's popular culture, Yi, alongside martial arts novelist Louis Cha and sci-fi writer Ni Kuang, were dubbed 'the top three miracles' in literary circles in Hong Kong. With her sharp and perceptive style, Yi has created a series with impressive female characters striving for a better life in a bustling metropolis.曾和金庸、倪匡被誉为香港文坛“三大奇迹”,亦舒以其独有的犀利与通透写出一系列性格迥异的都市女郎形象。The protagonists of her novels are smart, beautiful, independent and sophisticated. Facing off against obstacles and challenges in life, the characters mostly struggle with inner loneliness. Such characters include Xi Bao, a top student in Trinity College at the University of Cambridge; and Liu Yinzi, a movie star portrayed in the tale Indian Ink.她笔下的女郎,聪明、美貌、独立而且洞悉人情世故,却大多因浮世蹉跎而内心孤寂。譬如剑桥圣三一学院的高材生喜宝,比如《印度墨》的女明星刘印子。But My Best Friend's Story is a bit different. Instead of loneliness, Yi's most familiar theme, the story is about friendship. It concerns two young women who always support each other no matter what, whether they get trapped in a doomed affair or struggle with career setbacks.但《流金岁月》却有着不一样的底色。它讲的不是孤独,而是友谊,是两个女孩子遭受爱情失意或是人生不顺时,有彼此的肩膀可以给对方依靠。In the story, the most popular role is perhaps Zhu Suosuo, who was sent to live with her uncle's family at a young age after her parents filed for divorce. Her father is a seafarer, with most of his time spent traveling on a boat. Zhu is forced to learn how to make others happy and be satisfied in her foster family.朱锁锁这个角色,大概是《流金岁月》中最出彩的。她自幼父母离婚,父亲常年飘荡在海上,她被寄养在上海的舅舅家中,无师自通地学会了察言观色和取悦别人。When she goes out on a date, she will bring back two jars of crab sauce, an expensive local snack, to butter up her aunt, as she knows the date will make her aunt's son — who has a crush on her — sad. After she is forced to move out and temporarily live in her best friend Jiang Nansun's house, she is good at sweet-talking Jiang's grumpy grandmother.连出去约会,明知会伤了暗恋她的表哥的心,却能机灵地给舅妈带回秃黄油这样的昂贵美食来讨好。在寄宿蒋南孙家里时,也能甜言蜜语讨得脾气最乖戾的奶奶的欢心。What could best help Zhu quickly find career success is what's referred to in the story as her amazingly beautiful look. Although such an 'advantage' could seem a bit unsavory, actress Ni Ni's acting chops make the role natural and convincing.她最大的资本是明艳的外表,但这种很容易被诟病为“茶”的气质被倪妮演来,却自有一股坦荡大气的魅力。As an attempt to seek financial independence, Zhu lands a job at a real-estate company. But her look and personality has made her a target of hostile rumors at the office. Despite enduring criticism of her outfits and rude speculation about her relationship with the boss, Zhu shakes them off with her sense of humor and optimism.她去地产公司精言上班,面对一办公室的流言蜚语,无论是穿得过于清凉,还是被销售部的小伙伴们猜测她和顶头上司的关系,她都能嘻嘻哈哈之间接招于无形。Jiang Nansun — Zhu's best friend — is almost the opposite, as she grew up in a rich family. Her home is a luxurious villa in downtown Shanghai's Fuxing Street. Her life is full of high-end brands and expensive hairstylists. Even during routine dinners at home, the family's table is served with dozens of mouth-watering dishes cooked by a nanny. However, Jiang believes she is like a bird imprisoned in a golden cage and dreams to escape. Actress Liu Shishi's personal temperament quite matches the character, gentle yet unyielding.蒋南孙几乎是朱锁锁的反义词般的存在。她出生富庶家庭,住在上海复兴路的老洋房内,从小穿名牌衣服、用昂贵的发型师,家常便饭都是满满一桌的精致小菜。但蒋南孙却觉得自己犹如金笼困鸟,因奶奶的重男轻女、因父亲的市侩贪财,屡屡想逃离这个家。但蒋南孙身上,却自有一股宁折不弯的书卷气。刘诗诗独有的温婉从容,也颇为适合这个角色。The most impressive scene is when Zhu and Jiang throw themselves onto a bed in an attic room after they each had an exhausting day. Zhu, as optimistic as always, quotes Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind. 'After all, tomorrow is another day,' Zhu says, giggling. That is a warm and beautiful moment.最让我印象深刻的一幕,是当她们经历彼此的挫折之后,并头躺在蒋南孙家小洋房的阁楼房间里,朱锁锁引用了《乱世佳人》中斯嘉丽的那句名言:“不管怎样,明天又是新的一天了。”Perhaps the TV series cannot completely satisfy nitpicky book fans. However, its message is quite meaningful. For all youngsters, tomorrow will be another day no matter how hard you have been hit.不管怎样,对于每一个年轻人而言,无论生活如何给你以痛击,明天又是新的一天。记者:徐帆