欢乐万圣节 Happy Halloween | Trick or Treat


Happy Halloween to everyone! Halloween or Hallowe'en, also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.


It is widely believed that many Halloween traditions originated from Celtic harvest festivals which may have pagan roots, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain. Hence, it was Christianized as Halloween. Some academics, however, support the view that Halloween began independently as a solely Christian holiday.


At the Halloween night, it is the most haunted night of the year. And it is also called “ghost festival”. On the very night, various devils and ghosts come and go. And souls of the deceased people will get out of the bodies, wondering around the world. Consequently, Halloween night is quite hazardous. So, Halloween has something to do with death, magic and monsters. Let’s see what the Halloween tradition are.

万圣节当夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。 这一天各种恶鬼出没,死去人们的灵魂也会离开身体,在世间游走,这一天的晚上也就格外危险。所以,万圣节也与死亡、魔法、魔怪等事物有关。我们一起看看万圣节有哪些传统!

Tradition 1 Costumes

To avoid disturbance of the demons and monsters, on Halloween, humans put on various costumes and make-up. Even, they wear masks. Millions of people have different appearance, not merely the tedious big or small ghost. And the superman is included, you can put on whatever you try to.



Tradition 2 Pumpkin Lantern

Pumpkin is a symbolic emblem of Halloween. Pumpkin is orange. So, orange also becomes the traditional color of Halloween. It is a Halloween tradition to carve pumpkins into  pumpkin lanterns. As reported, pumpkin lantern originates in ancient Ireland.



Tradition 3 Trick or Treat

Nowadays, carrying the pumpkin lanterns,  kids play games and ask for caddies from door to door. Dressing up exceedingly strange, with one voice, the kids issue a warning “Trick or Treat”. Commonly, the guests offer warm hospitality. Furthermore, the movie Trick’r Treat derived from Halloween.



Tradition 4 Apple Bobbing

One of the most prevalent games is apple bobbing. When playing, people make the apple float on the tub which is full of water. Then the kids bite an apple without assistance of hands. And the winner is the first one who bites an apple.



Tradition 5 Toffee Apples and Pumpkin Pies

As Halloween is close to the apple harvest, so toffee apple becomes a festival food. The approach is to plug a bamboo slip with the apple, then make the apple rotate in the toffee sauce. Sometimes, kernels will be added. Otherwise, pumpkin pie is also a festival food, especially in America. The Americans even enjoy this common traditional food from late autumn to early winter.



Word Explanation(单词解析)


美 ['peɪɡən] 英 ['peɪɡən]

adj. 异教徒的;非基督教的;无宗教信仰的

n. 异教徒(信奉非主流宗教者);教外人(旧时的基督徒用以指非基督徒)

n. a person who holds religious beliefs that are not part of any of the world's main religions; used in the past by Christians to describe a person who did not believe in Christianity


And a pagan was elected to the New York City Council.


Legend states that she was the daughter of a pagan priest, but decided to convert to Christianity.



美 ['soʊlli] 英 ['səʊlli]

adv. 仅;只;唯;单独地

only; not involving sb/sth else


This shop seems to be open solely for a wealthy constituency.


Mary rely solely on its own strength to feel that the implementation of her planis difficult.



美 ['hɔntəd] 英 ['hɔːntɪd]

adj. (被认为)闹鬼的,有鬼魂出没的;忧心忡忡的,满面愁容的

believed to be visited by ghosts; showing that sb is very worried


One of the most haunted houses ever was 50 Berkeley Square in London.



美 [dɪ'sist] 英 [dɪ'siːst]

n. 死者;已故者

adj. 死去了的;已死的;亡故的

n. a person who has died, especially recently

adj. dead


The deceased left a large sum of money to His wife.


His voice began to falter when he mentioned his deceased wife.


★ 编辑:陈珺洁

Enjoy English, enjoy fun!

★ 编校:泉涌君


