3月25日 病毒战,我们准备好了吗?

3月25日 星期三 晴

今天,天朗气清。后院,桃花灼灼。 今天网课上与学生分享了比尔·盖茨在2015年的TED演讲,在这次演讲里,比尔·盖茨提醒大家做好病毒战役的准备。学生大呼: 他太聪明了。在课上,学生们积极发言,谈了他们的想法。下课后,收到两位学生的邮件,一个七年级,一个九年级 ,全文如下:

Dear Zhang 老师,I would like to thank you for providing us with a video that not only explains what we as individuals can do to help diminish the number of deaths in this time of uncertainty but also provides someone who believes that there is a calm way to go about things. At the end of class, you asked what our additional thoughts were. To expand on that, I could tell that he was prepared to give his speech because you could clearly tell what his ideas were, and he never went off-topic. I enjoyed and agreed with his idea that we were much more prepared for a nuclear war, rather than a simple virus, that quickly became deadly. This raises the idea in my mind that sometimes our lives take unexpected and detrimental turns, but we shall hope for the best, and prepare worst. Another point that was fascinating to me was when he compared the way Ebola spread and how it was contained and controlled, to how COVID-19 is different, but if we use the correct ways to keep people as individuals safe, we can prevent the virus from spreading further. After this, I thought of how we could have taken the proper precautions in the first place, we would have matters in our control, with a sense of calmness, like he suggested, rather than the global panic caused by the media, which goes back to my first point. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

译文如下: 亲爱的张老师,我要感谢您为我们提供了一个视频,它不仅解释了在不确定性时期作为个体我们如何采取措施来减少死亡人数,而且还提供给相信镇静方式的人们如何处理事务。在课堂结束时,您问我们还有什么想法。为了进一步说明这一点,我可以说他很好地准备了他的演讲,因为您可以清楚地知道他的想法是什么,而且他从未偏离主题。我喜欢并同意他的想法,即我们为发动核战争而不是为简单的病毒做好了更多准备,这很快就致 命了。这使我想到,有时候我们的生活会发生意想不到的致命的变化,但我们应该希望最好的,准备最糟糕的。令我着迷的另一点是,当他比较埃博拉病毒的传播方式,其遏制和控制方式与COVID-19的不同之处时,如果我们使用正确的方法使人身安全,就可以预防该病毒进一步蔓延。此后,我首先想到了如何采取适当的预防措施,让我们掌控事情,像他建议的那样保持镇定,而不是由媒体引起的全球恐慌,这又回到前面我谈到的第一点。非常感谢您,祝您有美好的一天!

第二篇是这样的:It was widely known that there was going to be a viral outbreak soon. As it is so often said, it was not a matter of if, but rather when. Scientists and doctors knew that this was coming. As you showed us, Bill Gates warned the people about it happening in 2015 and cautioned us to prepare. The spread to the extent that it is currently at could have been prevented or at least minimized, had we prepared. Had the governments everywhere been more aware when reports started coming in about the virus instead of shutting down reports, people could have been made aware sooner and lives could've been saved. China quieted doctors and Europe failed to test and quarantine enabling the spread, as did America. Certain countries' senses of nationalism and individuality causing them to refuse help from others increasing the spread and lack of supplies. Through the process of denial, nationality, and lies, COVID-19 became a larger issue than it should have been.

译文如下:众所周知,不久将会爆发病毒。正如人们常说的,这不是问题自身的问题,而是何时发生的问题。科学家和医生都知道这即将到来。正如您向我们展示的那样,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)就此事向人们发出警告,并警告我们做好准备。如果我们做好了准备,目前可以防止或至少控制目前这种情况蔓延的程度。如果各地政府在开始报道有关该病毒时更了解而不是掩盖报告,那么人们可能更早意识到,并可以挽救生命。中国让医生沉默,而美国也像欧洲一样未能及时进行测试和隔离,加速了传播。某些国家的民族主义和个性意识导致他们拒绝接受其他国家的帮助,从而加剧了传播和供应不足。通过拒绝、民粹和谎言,COVID-19变成了比原本应有的更大问题。

请原谅我的翻译水平,原文的思路会更清晰。有时候,你辛苦一天,忽然读到这样的学生邮件,倦意全无! 晚上还做了一件苦差事,给未出勤的学生家庭致电,催促他们按时上网课,其中有个孩子还挺不乐意地说: 我要睡觉呢。还要吐槽一下学校的行政部门,冠冕堂皇一大堆: 我们在这里,有任何问题,给我们打电话、写邮件...结果,写了邮件、发了短信,迟迟没有人答复! 在这个非常时期,学会多替别人想一想,不过,你职责范围的事务总要处理吧, 何况还是上班时间呢。

今天还出门买菜了,在老美超市,标识人与人之间保持6英尺,我戴着口罩,一个穿着黄夹克的黑人老伯问我的口罩哪里买的, 我说是朋友送的,看着他颤颤巍巍的样子,很心痛,我想下次出门一定多带几个口罩,送给需要的人。 几步之遥的华人超市门上贴着告示: 不戴口罩不得入内。好几个没戴口罩的人呆呆地站在门口,我示意他们进门看看,果不其然,有口罩出售, 一美元一个。我忙跑回老美超市找黄夹克,可惜没有看到。物资都还充足,牛奶鸡蛋限购了。 美国今日确诊人数为68960,俄州704例。春暖花开了,相信拐点终会到来。

