
朗读老师:王芳   东莞人民医院

翻译老师:王会   浙江省立同德医院

审校老师:姜春雷   青岛市第九人民医院

History:  Young man with precocious puberty as a child.


An MRI of the brain was obtained. Selected images are submitted below. CLICK ANY IMAGE TO ENLARGE IT.

Annotated images are available for your convenience while you review the findings below. CLICK ANY IMAGE TO ENLARGE IT.

Findings:  MRI demonstrates a T1 and T2 isointense mass lesion in the region of the tuber cinereum of the hypothalamus, measuring approximately 3cm X 1.5cm X 2cm. The lesion is nonenhancing.

Differential Diagnosis (given clinical history and radiologic appearance):

  • Hamartoma of the tuber cinereum most likely

Diagnosis:  Hamartoma of the Tuber Cinereum




Hamartoma of the Tuber Cinereum -- An Overview


Hamartoma of the tuber cinereum is a rare malformation usually discovered during a work-up for precocious puberty or seizures. They are congenital, non-neoplastic heterotopias. The tuber cinereum is a region of the posterior hypothalamus located between the infundibular stalk and the large prominent mammillary bodies. The lesions may be sessile or pedunculated. Histologically, the hamartoma closely resembles gray matter and some of the neurons may resemble hypothalamic tissue. Children may present with precocious puberty although the mechanism by which this occurs has not been defined. One hypothesis suggests that there is interruption of the inhibitory neuronal pathways from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary from mechanical compression by the mass. This can also occur with hypothalamic gliomas. Seizures have been reported in patients with larger lesions. Gelastic epilepsy, resulting in spasmodic laughter with onset in infancy, is exceedingly rare but has been reported to occur in patients with hamartomas of the tuber cinereum. The lesions may be pedunculated or sessile. Patients who present with precocious puberty have pedunculated masses that extend into the suprasellar and prepontine cisterns. Patients presenting with seizures have tend to have sessile lesions. Associated congenital anomalies with midline hamartomas have been reported and include: callosal agenesis, optic malformation, and hemispheric dysgenesis.



Making the diagnosis:
In children presenting with precocious puberty or seizures, masses of the third ventricle with MRI signal characteristics suggestive of gray matter a diagnosis of tuber cinereum hamartoma can frequently be made based on the imaging. LHRH stimulation test may suggest a central etiology of precocious puberty.



On enhanced CT,the hamartoma will appear as an isointense, non-enhancing mass lesion with in the suprasellar region. On MRI studies these lesions are characteristically smooth, well-defined mass lesions. They do not exert mass effect on the surrounding structures. They are characteristically isointense to gray matter on both T1 and T2 images. While hamartomas are T1 isointense and are non-enhancing, hypothalamic gliomas and craniopharyngioma tend to exhibit hypointensity on T1 with enhancement. Although characteristically isointense on T2, some hamartomas have been shown to have increased signal on T2 images which makes distinguishing between hamartoma and low grade glioma difficult.



  • Hamartoma of the tuber cinereum is a congenital, non-neoplastic heterotopia usually discovered in patients with a clinical history of precocious puberty or gelastic seizures.

  • Differential includes low grade hypothalamic glioma or solid craniopharyngioma.

  • On MR: isointense and non-enhancing on T1 with isointensity to hyperintensity to gray matter on T2.





