






第16课讲的是有关“盗窃(theft)”的主题故事,所以我选择了一篇有关“个人身份信息(Personal information)”被盗的主题文章。



There are a variety of forms of personal identification that a thief may steal from you. If you believe you have a been a victim of identity theft, be sure to check all of your accounts. Here's what to do if you discover someone has been abusing your accounts:

If you have had checks stolen or bank accounts set up fraudulently, report it to the check verification companies. Close your checking and savings accounts and obtain new account numbers. Give the bank a secret password for your account (not your mother’s maiden name).

If your ATM card has been stolen or is compromised, get a new card, account number and password. Do not use your old password. When creating a password, don’t use common numbers like the last four digits of your Social Security number or your birth date.

Call the Social Security Administration to report fraudulent use of your social security number. As a last resort, you might want to change the number. The SSA will only change it if you fit their fraud victim criteria. Also, order a copy of your Earnings and Benefits statement and check it for accuracy.

If your long distance calling card has been stolen or you discover fraudulent charges on your bill, cancel the account and open a new one. Provide a password, which must be used anytime the account is charged.

You may need to change your driver’s license number if someone is using yours as identification on bad checks. Call the state or District of Columbia office of the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to see if another license was issued in your name. Put a fraud alert on your license. Go to your local DMV to request a new number. Also, fill out the DMV’s complaint form to begin the fraud investigation process. Send supporting documents with the complaint form to the nearest DMV investigation office.


1. identification:身份证明

2. victim:受害者

3. identity:身份

4. theft:盗窃

5. abuse:滥用

6. fraudulently:欺诈地

7. verification:证实

8. maiden name:(已婚女子的)娘家姓,婚前姓

9. compromise:折中,妥协

10. a last resort:最后的办法

11. fraud:欺诈

12. criteria:标准

13. issue:发行;发给

14. alert:警报;提醒



1. How many examples of Identity Theft are listed in the passage?

2. Who should you report it to if your checks are stolen?

3. What is the last resort if your social security number is misused?

4. What should you do if your long distance calling card is stolen?

5. What should you send to the nearest DMV investigation office for a new driver’s license number?


