尊重,交流与换位思考,说服父母支持你出国梦的9个理由 || 父亲节专稿



It Will Get You Hired.

It will help you get a great job… some day. Your parents send you to college and offer financial support in the hopes that you will someday become employed, self sufficient, move your stuff out of their basement, and generally become a useful member of society. Study abroad looks incredible on your resume. Employers love international experiences, well rounded individuals, self-starters, and the globally minded. Today's job market is competitive and an international education will make your resume stand out amongst the rest.







Classes Will Offer Academic Support.

Study abroad often provides academic advantages to studying at the home university. A Marine Studies student in the Midwest may want a semester in Australia to complete their hands-on academics and where better to study English Literature than Britain?  A semester of business studies in New York might provide the critical coursework needed to land that international business job (see reason #1).  Present this point to the parents as a demonstration of your dedication to your field of study and the rest of the argument should be a piece of cake.

对于学生来说,海外留学能够提供的学术背景是国内无可比拟的。没有一个城市比纽约更加适合学习金融,这里的critical coursework都带着华尔街的脉搏。如果你想要学英国戏剧文学,你找不到比伦敦更适合的深造城市。

It's a Life-Changing Event... in a Good Way.

Most study abroad alumni say that their study abroad experience was life-changing. Their horizons were broadened, they made friendships that will last a lifetime, and see the world from a different perspective. Parents love positive life altering experiences and there are few as dramatic as international education.



It's Affordable!

One of the biggest anxieties for the folks is the price tag. Look into financial aid, federal aid will generally go with you if your program is approved and accredited. Many students use loans or supplemental student loans. Check out GoAbroad.com's scholarship section. Or if you really want to blow their minds, you can create a FundMyTravel.com campaign and raise money yourself. They will admire the initiative. Most importantly however, create a budget and demonstrate how affordable study abroad can be in comparison to a similar term at home.



对于贫困家庭的学生,美国/加拿大的大学提供了大量额奖学金和助学金,常见的有Fellowship,RA(Research Assistant),TA(Teaching Assistant)等。留学贷款也是常见的解决方式,国内不少银行都提供该服务,考虑到没有赞助费,小编就不详细说明了...

A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity.

Sure there will be plenty more chances to travel abroad but studying abroad is unique and this experience at this point in your life will not come again. Denying you this opportunity could be a heavy burden for them to carry. Don't underestimate the power of a little guilt trip.


Assure Them It's Safe.


Research your destination before they do. Copy the study abroad program's emergency contingency plan, make sure you know what vaccinations are needed, and the location of the US Consulate. Study abroad can be safe just make sure you have done your homework and you know WHY your program is safe.




It's Not Party Abroad.

Many parents have been impacted by horror stories like Amanda Knox and are afraid the study abroad experience is a never ending party. You need to explain to them why your program is different and why you are different. Most importantly why partying around the world is not your goal. You are not those people, and want to make the most of the experience.


小编建议把学校的课程表、推荐书单打印出来并翻译给父母,告诉他们party只是社交的一部分,而不是留学的全部,你渴望交流和朋友,但并不是一个party animal...

Provide an Informational Packet.

Your parent may remember when you forgot your homework everyday or the time you wrote your term paper an hour before it was due. Show them you are serious about study abroad by creating an info packet, a brochure, a powerpoint presentation, or some slick delivery of information. This will demonstrate to them that you are serious, prepared, and have thought this through.


当你在准备留学的时候,告诉他们你的留学规划,从dream school 到心仪的专业,从托福/sat/ger 的考试安排到文书的申请准备,让他们更加理解你,他们才真正支持你的出国梦。


You should do this anyways, because if you have to talk to your parents about studying abroad you probably have parents who support your education, respect your decisions, are involved in your life, and love you back! So put yourself in their shoes for a second and imagine what it would feel like to send someone you love more than anything far, far away.


These ten steps may not close the deal but they will help you present a solid argument on why it's important to you and your life. These steps will also help you understand the goals and benefits of studying abroad. Good luck, fingers crossed, an oh yeah, you might want to get your haircut and clean your room before doing this.






想要证明自己是刻苦学习的,这里有一份美国最刻苦的大学榜单可以作为你的论据,回复关键词 [刻苦] 理解更多

有哪些名校不用SAT和ACT成绩就可以录取,回复关键词 [不虚] 了解详情

