
'Zoom face,' TikTok hacks and DIY self-care: 2020's biggest beauty trends


Story by Marianna Cerini/ Dec. 11, 2020

Edited and Translated by Ray & Sally

In a year that many of us spent indoors or hidden behind a mask, the way we think about beauty has changed more profoundly than, perhaps, at any other time in living memory.
The pandemic posed plenty of new and unexpected challenges for the image-conscious, from shuttered salons to the scourge of "maskne." Yet it also spawned ingenious new solutions, whether it was DIY skincare or YouTube makeup tutorials during lockdown. And who would have thought hand sanitizer would become one of the year's essentials?
疫情给注重形象的人带来了许多新的和意想不到的挑战,包括关门的发廊到 “maskne” 带来的麻烦。然而,它也催生了巧妙的新解决方案,无论是DIY护肤品还是封城期间的YouTube化妆教程。还有谁会想到,洗手液会成为今年的必需品之一呢?
maskne: mask+acne口罩带来的粉刺等疹子
scourge: 祸害
Hardships experienced around the world have put into perspective the relative importance, or not, of worrying about how we look (though with lipstick sales down and searches for cosmetic surgery up, this may depend on which metric you're looking at). But 2020 has also reminded us what beauty is really all about: having fun, feeling better about ourselves and, thanks to social media, connecting with one another in the process.
metric :度量标准
From buzzcuts to natural makeup, here are CNN Style's most notable beauty trends from the year that was.
从平头短发到自然妆容,以下是在过去的一年中,CNN Style带来的最引人注目的美容趋势。

DIY beauty 


As barbershops, hair salons, nail salons and beauty parlors shuttered due to the pandemic, our grooming behaviors didn't simply relax -- they became more ingenious.
Taking a leaf out of our grandparents' natural remedy books -- or, more likely, YouTube beauty tutorials -- we started experimenting with facial mask recipes, at-home waxes, DIY hair styles and braids.
翻开家传的自然疗法秘笈,或者是YouTube美容网上教程 — 我们就可以开始做自己的面膜、自制蜡膜、DIY发型和编辫子了。
braids: 辫子
Lockdown also heralded the return of the buzzcut (see top), with men, women and celebrities reaching for the clippers to shave their locks.
Needless to say, many of these efforts (and sometimes terrible outcomes) were documented on Twitter and Instagram. TikTok also became a popular destination for trending beauty products, parodies, tutorials and hacks.

The eyes have it 眼睛胜过一切

With masks entering the mainstream (well, in most places), the way we use makeup has changed drastically. One major trend? An uptick in products like eye shadows, brow pencils and mascaras.
In learning how to smile with our eyes, or "smize," we turned to bold color palettes, smoky purple eye shadow, floating eyeliners, statement brows, spider lashes and the warmest of highlighters to express ourselves creatively (or glam up even when there was nowhere to go).
Sales of eye makeup have soared during the pandemic. In the UK alone, eye shadow's share of the "prestige" beauty market grew from 22% to 25% during lockdown, according to research analyst NPD Group. In China, where the virus first hit at the end of 2019, e-commerce giant Alibaba reported that the term "mask makeup looks" began trending on social media in early 2020.

眼妆用品在疫情期间销量飙升。据研究分析NPD Group公司称,仅在英国,眼影在“名门”美容市场的份额就从22%增长到了停工期间的25%。在2019年底病毒首次来袭的中国,电子商务巨头阿里巴巴报告称,“带口罩妆容”一词在2020年初开始在社交媒体上流行。

Lipstick not so much


Lipstick, on the other hand, had a pretty poor 2020. Often obliged to hide the lower half of our faces behind coverings, we ditched the bright colors in favor of a natural lip that wouldn't smudge our masks, relegating lipstick to the bottom of our makeup drawers. Why bother, when no one could see us smile anyway?
In the US, lipstick sales saw a bigger drop than any other type of cosmetic, according to consulting firm McKinsey, with Amazon seeing a 15% decline in sales (compared with a 5% increase for eye cosmetics). In the four weeks leading up to April 11, lipstick prices on the platform also fell by 28% -- the steepest dip of any beauty segment.

Beauty goes genderless


It may not be an entirely new trend, but genderless beauty took a major leap forward in 2020.
In July, YouTuber and influencer Patrick Starrr launched his long-awaited brand One/Size, a genderless product range that includes everything from eye shadow to makeup wipes. That same month, MAC Cosmetics announced Lay Zhang, member of South Korean-Chinese boyband Exo, as its new global ambassador.
7月,YouTuber和网红帕特里克·斯塔尔推出了他期待已久的品牌One/Size,这是一个无性别的产品系列,包括从眼影到化妆棉的所有产品。同一个月,MAC化妆品公司宣布,韩国华人男孩乐队Exo成员张雷(Lay Zhang)出任其新任全球大使。

'Zoom face' and the rise of Botox 


When cosmetic clinics reopened in the US in summer, a number of surgeons reported higher demand for Botox, fillers and various other plastic surgery procedures. A study of Google data, published in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery journal, found that -- after an initial drop in interest in March and April -- the volume of searches for a variety of cosmetic procedures was higher in June and July than it had been in the months before the pandemic. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, meanwhile, reported that almost two-thirds of the clinics it surveyed had experienced an increase in virtual consultations.
There are many reasons why interest in cosmetic procedures may have boomed: more downtime to recover at home, masks helping to hide the immediate signs of treatments and, of course, Zoom.
Forced to move our professional and personal lives onto the video platform, many of us became more aware -- and sometimes insecure -- about our appearances. Dr. Sheila Nazarian, star of Netflix's "Skin Decision," told CNN Style in August that when her Beverly Hills clinic reopened after lockdown "lots of people came to get lower face work ... because, with Zoom, the camera points up from below."
很多时候,我们的个人事业和生活在容貌上变得越来越不安全。希拉 纳扎里安医生是Netflix“皮肤决定”节目中的明星,她在8月份告诉CNN Style栏目,当她的比佛利山诊所在关闭后重新开放时,“很多人来做下脸调整。。。因为,有了Zoom,相机从下面指向上聚焦。”
The "Zoom effect" (or "Zoom boom") saw growing demand for neck liposuctions, lower facial tightening facelifts and under-eye fillers, Nazarian said -- but also tummy tucks, breast lifts and more.
"People started thinking about doing things that would make them feel good in the long-term," she added.


