BBC英文青春探案系列剧《小五历险记 Famous 5》,家有中学生的不可错过!(附DOC+MP3)



朋友们!初高中生用的东西,还要是原版的,哪里那么好找哟。不过,我这里倒的确有一套BBC制作的原版英文青春探案剧,名叫《Famous 5 On the Case》,中文译名《小五历险记》,我敢保证你们会喜欢的!
说起这部剧,就不得不说说其原著《Famous 5》。这是著名英国文学家Enid Blyton的代表作之一,说的是两个男孩、两个女孩和一条狗(就在封面图中)在一个无人小岛上的历险故事。这里的主人公是一个名叫Georgiana的女孩,这是个假小子,不希望别人叫她这个名字,所以剪短了头发、改名George(反正也很像Georgiana),带着狗,跟她的朋友Julian、Dick和Anne去了她爸妈给她预备下的小岛。
The FAMOUS FIVE are Julian, Dick, George (Georgina by right), Anne, and Timothy the dog.
This is the story how the 'Famous Five' came into being, and of their very first adventure together.
And what an andventure it was—involving an island, a ruined castle, an ancient wreck—and a desperate treasure hunt! The children's pluck and recourcefulness saved the family fortunes and made possible many more exciting expeditions for the Five.
Chapter One
"Mother, have you heard about our summer holidays yet?" said Julian, at the breakfast-table. "Can we go to Polseath as usual?"
"I'm afraid not," said his mother. "They are quite full up this year."
The three children at the breakfast-table looked at one another in great disappointment. They did so love the house at Polseath. The beach was so lovely there, too, and the bathing was fine.
"Cheer up," said Daddy. "I dare say we'll find somewhere else just as good for you. And anyway, Mother and I won't be able to go with you this year. Has Mother told you?"
"No!" said Anne. "Oh, Mother—is it true? Can't you really come with us on our holidays? You always do."
"Well, this time Daddy wants me to go to Scotland with him," said Mother. "All by ourselves! And as you are really getting big enough to look after yourselves now, we thought it would be rather fun for you to have a holiday on your own too. But now that you can't go to Polseath, I don't really quite know where to send you."
"What about Quentin's?" suddenly said Daddy. Quentin was his brother, the children's uncle. They had only seen him once, and had been rather frightened of him. He was a very tall, frowning man, a clever scientist who spent all his time studying. He lived by the sea— but that was about all that the children knew of him!
"Quentin?" said Mother, pursing up her lips. "Whatever made you think of him? I shouldn't think he'd want the children messing about in his little house."


