

These are severe injuries associated with joint damage; prolonged immobilization will certainly result in a stiff elbow. Early movement is therefore a prime objective.

Undisplaced fractures

These can be treated by applying   posterior slab with the elbow flexed almost 90 degrees; movements are commenced after 2 weeks. However, great care should be taken to avoid the dual pitfalls of underdiagnosis (displacement and comminution are not always obvious on the initial xray) and late displacement (always obtain check x-rays a week after injury).

Displaced Type B and C fractures 

If the appropriate expertise and facilities are available, open reduction and internal fixation is the treatment of choice for displaced fractures (some would say for all Type B and C fractures – minor displacement is easily overlooked in the early post-injury x-rays). The danger with conservative treatment is the strong tendency to stiffening of the elbow and persistent pain.

Good exposure of the joint is needed, if necessary by performing an intra-articular olecranon osteotomy. The ulnar nerve should be identified and protected throughout. The fragments are reduced and held temporarily with K-wires. A unicondylar fracture without comminution can then be fixed with screws; if the fragment is large, a contoured plate is added to prevent re-displacement. First the articular block is reconstructed with a transverse screw; bone graft is sometimes needed. The distal block is then fixed to the humeral shaft with medial and lateral plates. Precontoured plates with locking screws are now available. These hold the distal fragments more effectively.

Postoperatively the elbow is held at 90 degrees with the arm supported in a sling. Movement is encouraged but should never be forced. Fracture healing usually occurs by 12 weeks. Despite the best efforts, the patient often does not regain full extension and in the most severe cases movement may be severely restricted.

A description of this sort fails to convey the real difficulty of these operations. Unless the surgeon is more than usually skilful, the elbow may end up stiffer than if treated by activity (see below).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


prime objective.主要目标。

These can be treated by applying   posterior slab with the elbow flexed almost 90 degrees; 这些可以通过在肘部弯曲近90度的情况下使用后夹板(石膏)来治疗;

commence/kəˈmens/v. 开始;着手;<英>获得学位

dual pitfalls双重陷阱

/ˈduːəl/n. 双数;双数词adj. 双的;双重的

/ˈpɪtfɔːl/n. 陷阱,圈套;缺陷;诱惑


expertise  /ˌekspɜːrˈtiːz/n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见

overlooked 忽略;

throughout./θruːˈaʊt/adv. 自始至终;遍及

block /blɑːk/n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖











