

Type II fracture-dislocations are often treated by immediate open reduction and anatomical fixation of the detached fragment, the rationale being that many large posterior wall fragments either do not reduce well or remain as a cause of instability even after reduction. However, if the patient’s general condition is suspect, or the necessary surgical skills are not available, the hip is reduced closed, as described above. Traction can be applied until conditions are appropriate for surgery – open reduction and internal fixation will remedy the source of instability, return congruity to the joint and remove any trapped bone fragments.

Type III injuries are treated closed, but there may be retained fragments and these should be removed by open operation. Fixation of a comminuted posterior wall is sometimes impossible – if persistent instability is present, referral to a specialist centre, where reconstruction using a segment of iliac crest could be undertaken, is advisable.

Types IV and V are treated initially by closed reduction. The indications for surgery follow the principles already outlined: instability, retained fragments or joint incongruity. In type V injuries, a femoral head fragment may automatically fall into place, and this can be confirmed by post-reduction CT. If the fragment remains unreduced, operative treatment is indicated: a small fragment can simply be removed, but a large fragment should be replaced; the joint is opened, the femoral head dislocated and the fragment fixed in position with a countersunk screw. Postoperatively, traction is maintained for 2–4 weeks and full weightbearing is deferred for 12 weeks.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


detach /dɪˈtætʃ/vt. 分离;派遣;使超然

the rationale being that many large posterior wall fragments either do not reduce well or remain as a cause of instability even after reduction. 其基本原理是,许多大的后壁碎片要么不能很好地复位,要么即使在复位后仍然是不稳定的原因。

remedy/ˈremədi/v. 补救,纠正,改进;治疗n. 补救;疗法;解决办法;(硬币的)公差

congruity /kənˈɡruːəti/n. 适合,调和;一致;全等

incongruity /ˌɪnkənˈɡruːəti/n. 不协调;不一致;不适宜

referral to a specialist centre,转介至专科中心, /rɪˈfɜːrəl/n. 参照;提及;被推举的人;转诊病人;引荐来源(指给某个网站带来了流量的其他网站)

iliac crest髂嵴;髂骨

The indications for surgery follow the principles already outlined:术适应症遵循已概述的原则:

countersunk screw埋头螺丝;沉头螺钉

/ˈkaʊntərsʌŋk/adj. (螺钉)沉头的,埋头的v. 钻孔(countersink 的过去分词)





