今天才是真正的《Stand By Me》

漫长的一周终于结束啦,听首《Stand By Me》

为什么今天又听《Stand By Me》?因为昨天写推送是在办公室,我没点开听,晚上回去一听,妈呀,居然选错歌了,好尴尬,难怪谈到歌手的时候我觉得不知道该说啥。




Made a meal and threw it up on Sunday I've

Gotta lot of things to learn

Said I would and I'll be leaving one day

Before my heart starts to burn


So what's the matter with you?

Sing me something new... don't you know

The cold and wind and rain don't know

They only seem to come and go away

Times are hard when things have got no meaning

I've found a key upon the floor

Maybe you and I will not believe in the things we find

Behind the door

So what's the matter with you?

Sing me something new... don't you know

The cold and wind and rain don't know

They only seem to come and go away

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

If you're leaving will you take me with you

I'm tired of talking on my phone

There is one thing I can never give you

My heart can never be your home

So what's the matter with you?

Sing me something new... don't you know

The cold and wind and rain don't know

They only seem to come and go away

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

The Way It's gonna be, baby I can see

Don't you know the cold and wind and rain don't know

They only seem to come and go away

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

Stand by me nobody knows the way it's gonna be

