占星泰斗阿兰·欧肯 | 射手座:拓宽我们的疆界(四)射手座在12宫位的表现(7-12宫)
Sagittarius: Expanding Our Horizons
作者 | 阿兰·欧肯 Alan Oken
译者 | 浥森 Hina
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Let us now take a look to see how Sagittarius affects each of the twelve houses when it is placed on the various cusps of the natal chart:
Sagittarius on the cusp of the Seventh House (Descendant): Relationships create the potential for adventure and partners point the way to new worlds of opportunity when the Centaur is on this house cusp. It has to be kept in mind that with Sagittarius in this position, Gemini will always be on the Ascendant. The joining of these two signs points the way to a free-spirited, open, and fundamentally friendly attitude to all forms of partnership. This is definitely not a person who seeks to feel restrained or constrained by “the bonds of matrimony.” Even when pledged to “love, honor, and obey,” the Centaur on the Descendant will demand a great degree of personal liberty and freedom. The wise partner of such an individual should not expect this person to be a lover of domestic routine. In fact, this is the kind of partner who will ring up and inquire if the “significant other” would like to have dinner at a special restaurant in another country! Emotional depth, passionate attachment and the resultant jealous insecurity are not part of this relationship picture (unless the Moon is in Scorpio and square or conjunct Pluto!). This is an individual who expects his or her partner to be self-sustaining and not make too many emotional demands. This will be especially the case if Jupiter is in a fiery or airy sign and/or connected to the Moon in fire or air.
Sagittarius on the cusp of the Eighth House: This sign/cusp combination indicates that the transformational crises one encounters during the course of life are often characterized by a need for intense changes in one’s personal belief system. The individual may find that his or her religion or life philosophy just does not suffice for the situation at hand. An expansion of consciousness, a redefinition of life purpose becomes immanent, forcing one to continue searching for a greater truth. What a blessing! In terms of sexuality, there can be either an attitude of great permissiveness and openness to experimentation (especially if Jupiter is in strong aspect with Uranus) or one that is surprisingly limited. This limitation can come from those structures found in the more orthodox and fundamentalist religions. Look for Jupiter in hard aspect to Saturn (especially if the signs Cancer or Taurus are involved) for conflicts between one’s philosophical beliefs and one’s personal sexual expression when Sagittarius is on this house cusp.
Sagittarius on the cusp of the Ninth House: As this is the natural house placement for this sign, its position here tends to be a positive or at the very least, a strong one. It indicates that this is a person who is eager to travel, learn and explore. Keep in mind that more often than not, Aries will occupy the Ascendant when the Centaur is on the Ninth House cusp. The combination of the warrior and the philosopher thus emerges. This would be especially the case should Jupiter be in a strong aspect with Mars. We would then have the “knight errant,” the noble man or woman in search of truth, eager to help others in distress, and always in pursuit of lofty life values. Should Jupiter be afflicted, especially by Neptune or Mars, then idealism may be misplaced and a ceaseless search for truth may come about that even when found goes unrecognized. This would be even more the case if the signs Pisces or Sagittarius were involved as the planetary sign placements. In the best scenario, Sagittarius on the Ninth will lead a person to those life experiences that expand awareness, lend support to one’s ideals and create a teacher of the highest ideals and principles.

Sagittarius on the cusp of the Tenth House (Midheaven): “The sky’s the limit” when the Centaur mounts the MC. Sagittarius on the MC states in no uncertain terms: “I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I seek another.” Although this is a helpful attitude in life, Sagittarius on this cusp may be so involved with upward mobility that he fails to see the Earth under his feet. The tendency is to concentrate on the world of possibilities and underestimate the practical realities surrounding one at all times. Should Jupiter be in poor aspect to Saturn, there will be definite problems in this respect. Jupiter well aspected with Saturn, especially if one or more of the earthy signs is involved can do much to mitigate such problems, although the danger is still one of exaggerated ambition. This is nevertheless a somewhat fortunate position for at the very least it bestows many opportunities to forge ahead in life. All professions involving sports, travel, religion, and publishing are highlighted. If Jupiter is well placed, especially to Saturn, the father was a helpful and friendly influence.
Sagittarius on the cusp of the Eleventh House: This tends to be a positive influence in the natal chart as both Sagittarius and Aquarius (that natural ruler of this house) are signs of vision, idealism and opportunity. This sign/cusp combination describes an individual who is capable of adding an amazing amount of energy and insight into any group function. Sagittarius is always looking at the larger picture and avoids becoming bogged down in petty egocentric disputes. But should Jupiter be afflicted by Saturn and/or Uranus, especially if the fixed signs are involved, the individual may hold on to those religious and philosophical beliefs that are in conflict with the collective good of any social group to which he or she may belong. In terms of friendship, the Centaur on the cusp of the Eleventh usually makes a fine pal, one who approaches these relationships with open enthusiasm.
Sagittarius on the cusp of the Twelfth House: This sign/cusp combination often points to an individual with a deep interest in the metaphysical and philosophical. He or she is on a constant quest for knowing. This is especially the case if Sagittarius is also on the cusp of the Ascendant. But should Capricorn be the rising sign, there can be conflicts between one’s inner spiritual aspirations and the responsibilities and duties of one’s material life. How one integrates these two seemingly opposing facets of life will constitute an important challenge in one’s life. This challenge will be exacerbated if there is a hard aspect between Saturn and Jupiter; it will be facilitated if the aspect is either a trine or a sextile. The conjunction can lead to an integrated world view, one in which the real and the ideal merge. The Centaur on the Twelfth House cusp may give a special gift. This is the uncanny ability to know the most obscure facts, or at the very least, to know where such information may be found.