新概念英语初级听力补充训练2:Acting school and movie stars





新概念英语听力补充训练初级1:A day at school

【初级2:Acting school and movie stars】

Ⅰ. Pre-Listening Exercises

What kinds of questions do people ask when they meet other people for the first time?

【HELPFUL TIP】You don't have to be a movie star to enjoy acting. Many junior high and high schools offer drama classes where people can develop their social skills as they act.

Ⅱ. Listening Exercises

ⅰChoose the correct answer according to what you have heard:

1. What is the name of the actress?

A. Sarah Reynolds

B. Sarah Rogers

C. Sarah Roberts

2. Where is she from?

A. She is from Miami.

B. She was born in New York.

C. She comes from Los Angeles.

3. Where did she work part-time while she was going to school?

A. at a restaurant

B. at a movie theater

C. at a supermarket

4. How old is the actress?

A. 20

B. 22

C. 24

5. What is the woman's hobby?

A. shopping

B. cooking

C. reading

ⅱFill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given in the box:

1. My brother's __________ study more if he wants to pass the class.

2. We lived in a very __________ house when I was little.

3. Ashley __________ her acting career in New York City.

4. Hi, __________! Will you make me lunch, please?

5. My mother is __________ from Mexico, but she grew up in the United States.

Ⅲ. Post-Listening Exercises

Write a short introduction about yourself and share this with a classmate.



