


I am home for my daughter’s first birthday. By “home” I do not mean the house in Los Angeles where my husband and I and the baby live, but the place where my family is, in the Central Valley of California. It is a vital although troublesome distinction. My husband likes my family but is uneasy in their house, because once there I fall into their ways, which are difficult, oblique, deliberately inarticulate, not my husband’s ways. We live in dusty houses (“D-U-S-T,” he once wrote with his finger on surfaces all over the house, but no one noticed it) filled with mementos quite without value to him (what could the Canton dessert plates. mean to him?




第一、二句:I am home for my daughter’s first birthday. By “home” I do not mean the house in Los Angeles where my husband and I and the baby live, but the place where my family is, in the Central Valley of California.


1. Los Angeles [lɔ:s ˈeɪndʒəlz] 洛杉矶。

2. the Central Valley of California 加州中央谷地。

第三句:It is a vital although troublesome distinction.


1. Vital [ˈvaɪtl] 必不可少的;对…极重要的;维持生命所必需的;生气勃勃的,原文取义“重要的”。

2. troublesome [ˈtrʌblsəm] 令人烦恼的;讨厌的;令人痛苦的;麻烦的,原文取义“麻烦的”。如华尔街日报例句:

One of the most troublesome things about bubbles is identifying them while they are still inflating, or even when they are about to pop.


3. Distinction [dɪˈstɪŋkʃn] 差别;区别;区分;对比;优秀;不同凡响,原文取义“区分”。 如经济学人例句:

He made a distinction between the "dumb war" in Iraq and the good one in Afghanistan.


第四句:My husband likes my family but is uneasy in their house, because once there I fall into their ways, which are difficult, oblique, deliberately inarticulate, not my husband’s ways.


1. Uneasy [ʌnˈiːzi] 不安的;忐忑;不宁;不自在,如牛津词典例句:

She felt uneasy in the unfamiliar surroundings.


2. Oblique [əˈbliːk] 间接的;不直截了当的;拐弯抹角的,如纽约时报例句:

Harvard declined to comment on Saturday about the e-mail searches, but offered what appeared to be an oblique defense.


3. Deliberately [dɪˈlɪbərətli] 故意;不慌不忙地;小心翼翼地;从容不迫地,如经济学人例句:

Uncle was getting very hot. There was no doubt that the Hateman gang were deliberately insulting him.


4. inarticulate不善于表达的;不善于说话的;词不达意的;表达得不清楚的,如金融时报例句:

"Going forward" is so infectious that it has spread from inarticulate bankers and analysts to people who once had a fine way with words.


第五句:We live in dusty houses (“D-U-S-T,” he once wrote with his finger on surfaces all over the house, but no one noticed it) filled with mementos quite without value to him (what could the Canton dessert plates. mean to him?


1. Dusty [ˈdʌsti] 布满灰尘的;灰尘覆盖的;土灰色的;灰暗的;无光泽的,原文取义“布满灰尘的”,如经济学人例句:

She was born two months ago on the dusty floor of a mud hut in remote South Sudan, far from medical help.


2. Memento [məˈmentoʊ] 记忆碎片;备忘录模式;备忘录;纪念;纪念品,原文取义“纪念品”,如金融时报例句:

At the Franklin sale, guests vied for a memento of their favourite hotel.


3. Canton [ˈkæntən] 广州,广式,粤式,形容词是Cantonese,比如“粤式点心”就可以说Cantonese dim sum。


