



马凯:我4年前在一次客户早餐会上得到的一条忠告现在已经成了施乐公司的“座右铭”。这条忠告来自一位叫做Albert C.Black Jr.的年轻人,他是一家物流管理公司的董事长兼CEO。




Remember the parable of the cow in the ditch.

Mulcahy: One piece of advice I got has become a mantra at Xerox. It came from a very funny source. It was four years ago, and I was doing a customer breakfast in Dallas. A young man [AlbertC. Black Jr., president and CEO of On-Target Supplies & Logistics, a logistics  management firm] came up to me and gave me this advice. “When everything gets really complicated and you feel overwhelmed,” he told me, “think about it this way: You gotta do three things. First, get the cow out of the ditch. Second,find out how the cow got into the ditch. Third, make sure you do whatever it takes so the cow doesn’t go into the ditch again.”

Bow, everytime I talk about the turn around at Xerox, I start with the cow in the ditch. The first thing is survival. The second thing is, figure out what happened. Learn from those lessons and make sure you’ve put a plan in place to recognize the signs, and never get there again. This has become sort of a catch phrase for the leadership team.

It’s just one of those incredibly simple common sense stories to keep people grounded.


《简单,然而有效 2017》摄于郑州。

