【新刊速递】《冲突解决杂志》, Vol. 65, Issue. 7-8, 2021
《冲突解决杂志》(The Journal of Conflict Resolution)是一份关于人类冲突的社会科学研究和理论的跨学科期刊。除了关于国际冲突以外,也探究国内冲突、群际冲突和人际冲突。根据Journal Citation Reports的数据,2021年该期刊的影响因子为3.530。
编译:张曼娜 房宇馨 常佳艺 胡瑞琨 廖泽玉
审校:张曼娜 房宇馨 常佳艺 胡瑞琨 廖泽玉 李源
1. 反叛组织对公民抵抗的战术运用——以印度毛派叛乱为例
The Tactical Use of Civil Resistance by Rebel Groups: Evidence from India’s Maoist Insurgency
2. 从主张到暴力:民族冲突中的信号、竞标与升级
From Claimsto Violence: Signaling, Outbidding, and Escalation in Ethnic Conflict
3. 环境冲突的决定因素:社区何时动员起来反对化石燃料生产?
Determinants of Environmental Conflict: When Do Communities Mobilize against Fossil Fuel Production?
4. 重新评估理论和机制学习在预测内战中的作用
Reassessing the Role of Theory and Machine Learning in Forecasting Civil Conflict
5. 危机谈判中的决心声誉和高阶信念
Reputations for Resolve and Higher-Order Beliefs in Crisis Bargaining
6. 理论对预测冲突有用吗?对贝格(Beger)、摩根(Morgan)和沃德(Ward)的回应
Is Theory Useful for Conflict Prediction? A Response to Beger, Morgan, and Ward
题目:The Tactical Use of Civil Resistance by Rebel Groups: Evidence from India’s Maoist Insurgency
作者:Roman Krtsch,奥斯纳布吕肯大学博士研究生,研究助理。
Research on rebel behavior during conflicts has traditionally focused on the use of violent tactics. However, evidence from several intrastate wars suggests that armed groups also occasionally employ general strikes—a method of civil resistance that has typically been associated with nonviolent groups. But when do rebels resort to general strikes? I argue that these tactics have a particular function which can offset potential risks for rebels after they have suffered losses in previous battles: Through general strikes, rebels signal sustained authority to the local population. The argument is tested for districts in Eastern India using newly compiled, disaggregated data on contentious action during the Maoist conflict. The paper contributes to a burgeoning literature on wartime civilian activism in two ways: First, it shows that armed groups themselves rely situationally on civilian mobilization. Second, it investigates the effect of conditions endogenous to the conflict on these tactical choices.
题目:From Claims to Violence: Signaling, Outbidding, and Escalation in Ethnic Conflict
作者:Manuel Vogt,伦敦大学学院政治学副教授;Kristian Skrede Gleditsch,埃塞克斯大学政治学教授;Lars-Erik Cederman,苏黎世联邦理工学院国际冲突研究教授。
Do radical political demands increase the risk of ethnic civil conflict? And why do ethnic movements make radical demands in the first place? We contend that when movements are fragmented, individual organizations use far-reaching claims relative to the status quo to attract attention from the government, boost intra-organizational discipline, and outbid rivals. Yet, such radical claims also increase the risk of conflict escalation. We test our arguments at both the ethnic group and organizational levels, using a new dataset on ethno-political organizations and their political demands. Our results show that the scope of demands increases the more organizations exist within an ethnic movement and that radical demands increase the risk of civil conflict onset. This effect is specific to the dyadic government-movement interaction, irrespective of other ethnic groups in the country. Moreover, at the organizational level, radicalization in demands increases the likelihood that an organization becomes engaged in civil conflict.
题目:Determinants of Environmental Conflict: When Do Communities Mobilize against Fossil Fuel Production?
作者:Andrew Cheon,约翰霍普金斯大学助理教授;Shi-Teng Kang,大自然保护协会研究员;Swetha Ramachandran,日内瓦高级国际关系及发展学院博士生。
When do indigenous and other negatively affected populations mobilize against fossil fuel companies? We revisit social movement theory and environmental literature to identify three factors that may plausibly shape mobilization decisions of negatively affected populations—democratic institutions, community perceptions of government shaped by land tenure security, and firm attributes. Democratic institutions afford more opportunities for affected populations to air their grievances through protests than non-democratic ones. Land tenure security guaranteed by government contributes to the perception among affected populations that their objectives are better achieved through government mediation than protests. Characteristics of fossil fuel firms, such as state ownership, also shape activist perceptions of government credibility as a mediator. By analyzing fifty-seven countries over the period 1990 to 2013, we find that democracy and state ownership of fossil fuel firms are positively associated with protests, whereas land tenure security is negatively associated.
题目:Reassessing the Role of Theory and Machine Learning in Forecasting Civil Conflict
作者:Andreas Beger ,美国预测探索(Predictive Heuristics)政治科学部研究员、佛罗里达州立大学政治学博士;Richard K. Morgan,独立研究员、埃默里大学政治学博士;Michael D. Ward,美国预测探索(Predictive Heuristics)政治科学部研究员、杜克大学政治科学系荣休教授。
We examine the research protocols in Blair and Sambanis’ recent article on forecasting civil wars, where they argue that their theory-based model can predict civil war onsets better than several atheoretical alternatives or a model with country-structural factors. We find that there are several important mistakes and that their key finding is entirely conditional on the use of parametrically smoothed ROC curves when calculating accuracy, rather than the standard empirical ROC curves that dominate the literature. Fixing these mistakes results in a reversal of their claim that theory-based models of escalation are better at predicting onsets of civil war than other kinds of models. Their model is outperformed by several of the ad hoc, putatively non-theoretical models they devise and examine. More importantly, we argue that rather than trying to contrast the roles of theory and “atheoretical” machine learning in predictive modeling, it would be more productive to focus on ways in which predictive modeling and machine learning could be used to strengthen extant predictive work. Instead, we argue that predictive modeling and machine learning are effective tools for theory testing.
题目:Reputations for Resolve and Higher-Order Beliefs in Crisis Bargaining
作者:Tarik Abou-Chadi,苏黎世大学政治学系的助理教授;Thomas Kurer,苏黎世大学政治学系研究员。
Reputations for resolve are said to be one of the few things worth fighting for, yet they remain inadequately understood. Discussions of reputation focus almost exclusively on first-order belief change—A stands firm, B updates its beliefs about A’s resolve. Such first-order reputational effects are important, but they are not the whole story. Higher-order beliefs—what A believes about B’s beliefs, and so on—matter a great deal as well. When A comes to believe that B is more resolved, this may decrease A’s resolve, and this in turn may increase B’s resolve, and so on. In other words, resolve is interdependent. We offer a framework for estimating higher-order effects, and find evidence of such reasoning in a survey experiment on quasi-elites. Our findings indicate both that states and leaders can develop potent reputations for resolve, and that higher-order beliefs are often responsible for a large proportion of these effects (40 percent to 70 percent in our experimental setting). We conclude by complementing the survey with qualitative evidence and laying the groundwork for future research.
题目:Is Theory Useful for Conflict Prediction? A Response to Beger, Morgan, and Ward
作者:Robert A. Blair,布朗大学政治学和国际公共事务助理教授;Nicholas Sambanis,宾夕法尼亚大学政治学总统特聘教授、身份与冲突实验室主任。
摘要:贝格、摩根和沃德对作者先前一篇预测内战的文章的结果提出了质疑。他们认为,本文基于理论的冲突升级模型表现得不如更机械、更归因的替代方案。这种主张是错误的。他们的批评是错误的,或者说是不合理的,他们的结论取决于一个关于接收者操作特征曲线 (ROC)的细微技术问题:曲线应该被平滑处理,还是应该使用经验类曲线?他们认为应该使用经验类曲线,他们的所有结论都依赖于这种主观的模型选择。本文扩展了最初的分析,以表明作者的理论模型在一系列性能指标和稳健性规范中表现得与更加非理论的替代方案一样好,甚至更好。如同先前的文章一样,作者最后鼓励冲突预测者不要把理论的附加值当作一个假定(assumption),而是作为一个待检验的假设(hypothesis)。
Beger, Morgan, and Ward (BM&W) call into question the results of our article on forecasting civil wars. They claim that our theoretically-informed model of conflict escalation under-performs more mechanical, inductive alternatives. This claim is false. BM&W’s critiques are misguided or inconsequential, and their conclusions hinge on a minor technical question regarding receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves: should the curves be smoothed, or should empirical curves be used? BM&W assert that empirical curves should be used and all of their conclusions depend on this subjective modeling choice. We extend our original analysis to show that our theoretically-informed model performs as well as or better than more atheoretical alternatives across a range of performance metrics and robustness specifications. As in our original article, we conclude by encouraging conflict forecasters to treat the value added of theory not as an assumption, but rather as a hypothesis to test.