

Leave a little memory for the old scenic spot Ziliujing Old Street in Zigong City. Xie Wenyi wrote


I went home on May 1st this year and went out for a walk after dinner. I saw that 'Old Bridge' was added to the Fuxi River to visit the pontoon.


Walking across the pontoon bridge, I saw that the 'Ziliujing Old Street', which I used to love to visit, was being rectified, and many higher-grade scenic buildings were being upgraded and built, and some new sightseeing contents were added, which made a new change in the scenic area.


Some lots that have been rectified have been decorated with lights and festive atmosphere.


Today, I found the photo album 'Ziliujing Old Street' taken by me on April 19, 2013 on Hummingbird's website, and put it back in the beautiful article to show the old advantages of 'Old Street' and leave a little memory for the old advantages of 'Ziliujing Old Street' in Zigong City.



Stone archway of Ziliujing Old Street at Xinqiao Bridge.

The 'Ziliujing Old Street' (roadside well-Huojingtuo), with a total length of 1.5km, is located in the center of the old city of Zigong, a famous national historical and cultural city. It is an ancient salt road that used to transport well salt, and it is also the site of the world-famous 'Ziliujing' site. The buildings in the old street are all of southern Sichuan residential style in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. There are both rolling ordinary small buildings with stone slabs and large houses with deep locks in the courtyard.


On the background of the stone archway 'Ziliujing Old Street' in Xinqiao Bridge, there are four characters: 'Sichuan Salt Helps Chu'.


Ziliujing Old Street is an integral part of Zigong World Geopark-Salt Industry Park.


'Guide Map of Ziliujing Old Street' and 'Introduction to Ziliujing Old Street'.


'Old Street Fu'.


Look at the 'Old Street' in the Xinqiao section of Tongxing Road, and the 'Old Street' section along the river is hidden in the green trees.


Walking into the 'Old Street' scenic spot, you can see that there are many high-rise buildings in the opposite urban area.


In the green trees of 'Old Street', you can also see the new bridge, one of the main traffic routes in Zigong.


Old banyan trees in 'Old Street'.

  走进“老街”不远处,就可见到“路边井”遗址。 “老街”原名是“路边井路”,就是以此井而得名的。

Not far from the 'Old Street', you can see the site of 'Roadside Well'. 'Old Street', formerly known as 'Roadside Well Road', is named after this well.


'Roadside wells are named after being dug on the roadside. In Cang Sang, the majestic crown block, derrick, heaven and earth cymbals and cart have been submerged with the changes of the times. Only the wellhead of the bluestone plate and the wooden excavated by the symbolic well are still faintly residual, indicating the prosperity of the roadside wells in that year. ' .


The 'wellhead' of the 'roadside well'.


Roadside tea garden in 'Old Street'.


'Remembering the repair of Ziliujing Old Street'.


'Sulphur mining in the world' and 'Roller Site in Salt Field'.


Characteristic Zigong Paper-cut Exhibition Hall.


'Old Street' features folk houses and stone trails.


There is also a 'Salt Merchants Furniture Exhibition Hall' in the scenic spot.


Fishing boats parked by the river.


Follow the stone trail to reach the 'salt wharf' by the river.



'salt wharf'.

In the days when there were no roads and railways, water transportation was the main way to produce salt from Zigong Salt Field. In those days, it was a busy salt transportation terminal.


Later, it became a ferry terminal, where boats were ferried back and forth to facilitate people to cross the river.

  这里也是釜溪河上的“老上桥”遗址所在地。在下游不远处的“张家沱”下方,还有一座“老下桥”遗址,它们都是自贡的特色的坚固的石板长平桥,以方便两岸人们来往。 为了方便河中船只的航行,桥上还有一孔置有一艘可移动的船只相连,平时连通方便行人通过,当有船只来往时,则临时撑开以便船只通行。


It is also the site of 'Laoshangqiao' on the Fuxi River. Not far from the downstream, under Zhangjiatuo, there is also a site of Laoxiaqiao, which is a solid slate long flat bridge with Zigong characteristics, so as to facilitate people on both sides of the strait to come and go. In order to facilitate the navigation of ships in the river, there is also a hole on the bridge where a movable ship is connected, which is usually connected for pedestrians to pass, and when there are ships coming and going, it is temporarily opened for ships to pass.

This characteristic Shibanchangping Bridge in Zigong still remains in Pingqiao Waterfall Scenic Spot in Gongjing District of Zigong City (the following two pictures are the network pictures of Shibanchangping Bridge on Pingqiao Waterfall quoted).


Now, after the newly built pontoon bridge for crossing the river, the transition ship has become history. From here, people can easily cross the pontoon to reach the opposite urban area.


Standing on the wharf shore, you can also see Tongxing Road Bridge upstream and Fortune Waterfront Building at the bridge head. At that time, the river was covered with green duckweed (now duckweed is rarely seen in water quality improvement).


Along the stone road of 'Old Street', there is an elegant residential building-'Guiyuan'.


On the street near the river, there is a 'fire well water port'. Not far from here down the river, there is Zigong's famous 'Huojingtuo'. Literally speaking, there are salt wells here that once produced brine and natural gas, which can burn, so they are called 'fire wells'.


On both sides of Xiaoshiban Road, the old residential buildings with the characteristics of the people and the Qing Dynasty are simple and tidy.


There is a named place of 'Guojia 'ao Sandstone' stratum at the exposed place of rock in the direction of backing.



'Baolong Diquan'.

'There is a clear spring overflowing here. In ancient times, because it was located in the middle slope of the old street, it was a good place for porters to sit and rest while passers-by stopped to quench their thirst. Like the artesian well at the top of the mountain, it is called Baolong Dripping Spring because the spring flows to benefit people.



'brine delivery pipe'.

'The brine pipeline of ancient saltworks runs across the land of salt capital. Li Zhi, a scholar of Qianlong, described in Yan Fu that 'the snake swims like a winding, and the windlass is shocking and ash', which vividly reproduces the situation of mining. This is the relic of brine extraction and transportation in Ziliujing Salt Factory, and we can vaguely see the grand occasion of brine extraction in the old days. ' .


Continue along Xiaoshiban Road, and you can see another exit of 'Old Street' scenic spot.


Turn to the side as you approach another 'Old Street' exit, and you can reach the 'Old Street Observation Deck' and the famous 'Ziliujing' site.


There is also a 'Baolongjing' site. On the roadside, there is a cultural relic 'Heaven and Earth Roller' of the old salt field.


The flowers on the houses under the camp are in full bloom!


Re-viewing the photos of the old residential buildings in Old Street on the Observation Deck, it is a bit like viewing the old residential buildings in Miao Village on the Observation Deck of Thousands of Miao Villages in Guizhou.


The following three photos were taken on the 'viewing platform' of the scenic spot when I visited the scenic area of 'Thousand Households Miao Village' in Guizhou on May 1st this year. At that time, the 'Observation Deck' was crowded, and almost all visitors who visited the 'Thousand Miao Villages' had to punch in the 'Observation Deck', and people rushed to take pictures here to remember.


When I was taking pictures on the 'Old Street Observation Deck', I met two teachers talking about history. They are talking about the 'stone beach' with more beach rocks before liberation. When Tongxing Road was built in that year, there were layers of lava rocks and thin soil in the rock stratum profile of the roadside knitting factory above, and they thought that the 'Yingpan Mountain' above might be a 'dead crater' that had erupted many times in ancient times.



'After Mr. Wei Minglun left Zigong, the writer Liao Shixiang became a rising star in the screenwriter of Zigong Sichuan Opera. The' People's Autumn Frost 'created by him was a hit and won two gold and one silver in the National Population Culture Award.' .

This is Liao Shixiang's 'Old Street of Ziliujing'.



Site of Ziliujing.

'artesian well', as its name implies, is that brine in the well once gushed out automatically. It is one of the best salt fields in this area, so this area was called 'Ziliujing Salt Field' in ancient times.



Introduction of 'artesian well'.

'Zigong salt industry originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Jin Dynasty began to take shape, and Tang and Song Dynasties were famous throughout Sichuan. At the time of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty, the people of my ancestors inquired about the mystery of heaven, interpreted the secret volume of earth-hiding, and dug a well in this place on the bank of Fuxi River, flowing into the salty spring, boiling the waves out of the plain, and making things rich and safe for the people. Therefore, it is famous for its own wells and fields; It is also famous for its own land and county. Ziliujing is known as the salt capital of China, the father of drilling in the world, and it is well-known at home and abroad. ' .



When Zigong set up a city, it was the merger of Ziliujing Salt Field belonging to Fushun and Gongjing Salt Field belonging to Rongxian County, so it was named Zigong City.

'Gongjing' is named because the well salt produced there is of good quality and has paid tribute to the court; While 'artesian well' is ranked first because of its greater fame.


Inions on Ziliujing Site written by Song Liangxi, a cultural celebrity in Zigong City.


There are also 'Guide Map of Old Street' and 'Introduction of Ziliujing Old Street'.




Opposite the Ziliujing site is the Tonghongjing site.

Tonghong Well was drilled in 1923 and finished in 1928. The well depth is 1062m, the well diameter is 20cm, and the crown block height is 15m, which is an important marker of Zigong low crown block. Approved by the municipal government in 2009, it became the sixth batch of municipal cultural relics protection units in our city.

Next to 'Tonghongjing', there used to be a famous 'salt warehouse' in Guojiaao Salt Field, which disappeared when the road was built due to the changing times.


After the tour, we came to the exit of the 'Old Street' scenic spot, and the four characters of 'Tianci Xianquan' were inscribed on the exit archway. It can be understood that God has given us 'artesian wells' and other salt wells and springs.


On the front of the archway, 'Ziliujing Old Street' is also written.


In the past, we used to enter scenic spots from here. Nowadays, the buildings beside the gate archway and the Gaoshikan of the old salt factory which has weathered and hung with salt frost because of its long time have disappeared, so we have to leave their old photos as a memorial for the old 'old street'.




the English translation of this article comes from the Internet. Please forgive me for any shortcomings.

In this paper, several pictures and some materials are from the related network. I would like to thank the original author. If it violates your rights, please contact the author and delete it.




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This article can be shared in the original text. The author's comments on the original drawings and texts (excluding the quoted drawings and texts). ) has copyright.


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更新于 12-02
