【罂粟摘要】一项比较腹腔镜手术中男患使用7.5mm和6.5mm气管导管及女患使用7.0 mm和6.0 mm气管导管的随机对照试验

一项比较腹腔镜手术中男患使用7.5mm和6.5mm气管导管及女患使用7.0 mm和6.0 mm气管导管的随机对照试验

贵州医科大学 高鸿教授课题组

翻译:吴学艳  编辑:佟睿  审校:曹莹



Figure 1 Study flflow chart.


Cho HY, Yang SM, Jung CW, et al. A randomised controlled trial of 7.5-mm and 7.0-mm tracheal tubes vs. 6.5-mm and 6.0-mm tracheal tubes for men and women during laparoscopic surgery[J]. Anaesthesia. 2021 Aug 17. DOI: 10.1111/anae.15568.


A randomised controlled trial of 7.5-mm and 7.0-mm tracheal tubes vs. 6.5-mm and 6.0-mm tracheal tubes for men and women during laparoscopic surgery


Sore throat after tracheal intubation impairs postoperative recovery. We randomly allocated 172 ASA physical status 1–2 participants, scheduled for laparoscopic lower abdominal surgery, to tracheal intubation with larger tubes (n = 88) or smaller tubes (n = 84), with internal diameters 7.5-mm vs. 6.5-mm for men and 7.0-mm vs. 6.0-mm for women. Primary outcome was the rates of no, mild, moderate or severe sore throat 1 h after surgery, which were 60, 10, 17 and 1 with larger tracheal tubes and 79, 5, 0 and 0 with smaller tubes, p < 0.001. The equivalent rates 24 h after surgery were 64, 16, 8 and 0 vs. 74, 6, 3 and 1, p = 0.037. Intra-operative ventilatory variables were unaffected by tube diameter, including peak inspiratory pressure, plateau pressure and endtidal carbon dioxide partial pressure. In summary, smaller tracheal tubes benefitted patients having laparoscopic operations.

