
健康生活24准则 24 Healthy Life Tips1.工作与生活安排有序,家庭和谐,心情愉快。Arrange your work and life regularly, harmonious your family and happy mood.2.养成卫生环保的生活习惯。Develop good living habits on personal hygiene and environmental protection.3.经常适当锻炼身体,每次运动时间30分钟以上,每周7天都要坚持。Exercise regularly with each time more than 30min and at least 5times a week.4.能走路不骑车,能骑车不坐车,能爬楼不乘梯。By walking rather than cycling, cycling rather than taking buses, and climbing stairs rather than taking elevators.5.不宜久坐,每小时起身活动10分钟。Don’t sit still too long, and have relax for 10min per hour.6.一天喝水不少于500毫升,不超过3000毫升。Drink water at least 500ml per day, and not exceeds 3000ml every day.7.营养早餐很重要。Having a rich breakfast is very important.8.每天的食物中蔬菜、水果、谷类、豆类应占食物总量的2/3以上。Every day, vegetables, fruits, cereal and legumes shall take up more than 2/3 of food.9.饮食七八分饱,注重营养搭配,限制高脂肪食物,以清淡为宜。Eat appropriately with suitable intake and nutritious food combination. Limit high-fat food and preferably have light food.10.餐前喝汤。吃水果时间最好在下午3-4点。Drink soup before meals. The best time to have fruits is between 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.11.减少食用油和食盐旳攝入,每天食用油以25克为宜,食盐不超过6克。Reduce the intake of cooking oil and salt. Prefer to have 25g cooking oil every day and 6g salt maximally.12.每天胆固醇的摄入量应低于300毫克,相当于一个半鸡蛋黄。The intake of cholesterol every day shall be less than 300mg, which is equal to one and half egg yolks.13.定期体检,经常监测你的体重、血压、血脂和血榶。Have physical examinationregularly, and often examine your weight, blood pressure, blood fat and blood sugar.14.正确辨别症状,及时用药并咨询医生或药师。Judge disease symptoms correctly, have medicine timely, meanwhile consult with health professionals.15.老年人应该多培养生活爱好。Senior citizens shall establish hobbies of life.16.科学使用非处方药自我药疗,请务必仔细阅读药品说明书。When administrating OTC medicines for self-medication, please read drug inserts carefully.17.不要依赖安眠药物入睡。Don't rely on sleeping pills.18.每3个月清理一次药箱或药柜,妥善处置已过期的药物。Sort out your medicine box or cabinet per 3 months, and dispose appropriately the expired medicines.19.宝宝用药最好选择儿童专用药品,不宜将成人药品直接减量使用。Children should administrate children dedicated medicines, and it is not advisable to give children the reduced dose of adult medicines.20.早晚刷牙,飯后漱口。Clean teeth on morning, evening and after meals.21.尽量避免熬夜。Don't stay up late with might and main.22.电脑使用适度,保护视力,预防青少年近视眼。Use computer properly, protect your eyesight and keep youngsters from being shortsighted.23.不吸烟。No smoking.24.不饮酒或限量飮酒。No drinking or drinking properly.

