
Enquire when the patient passed urine last and look for bleeding at the external meatus. An inability to void and blood at the external meatus are the classic features of a ruptured urethra. However, the absence of blood at the meatus does not exclude a urethral injury, because the external sphincter may be in spasm, halting the passage of blood from the site of injury. Thus every patient who has a pelvic fracture must be considered to be at risk.

The patient can be encouraged to void; if he is able to do so, either the urethra is intact or there is only minimal damage which will not be made worse by the passage of urine. No attempt should be made to pass a catheter, as this could convert a partial to a complete tear of the urethra. If the urethral injury is suspected, this can be diagnosed more accurately and more safely by retrograde urethrography.

A ruptured bladder should be suspected in patients who do not void or in whom a bladder is not palpable after adequate fluid replacement. This palpation is often difficult because of abdominal wall haematoma.

The physical findings initially can be minimal, with normal bowel sounds, as extravasation of sterile urine produces little peritoneal irritation. Only a very small proportion of patients with a ruptured bladder are hypotensive, so if a patient is hypotensive another cause must be sought.

Neurological examination is important; there may be damage to the lumbar or sacral plexus.

If the patient is unconscious, the same routine is followed. However, early x-ray examination is essential in these cases.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


meatus/mɪˈeɪtəs/n. [解剖] 道;[解剖] 口;[昆] 导管

urethra /jʊˈriːθrə/n. [解剖] 尿道

sphincter /ˈsfɪŋktər/n. [解剖] 括约肌

spasm /ˈspæzəm/n. [临床] 痉挛;抽搐;一阵发作

void /vɔɪd/n. 空间;空白;空虚感;v.排放(大小便)

catheter, /ˈkæθətər/n. [医] 导管;导尿管;尿液管

retrograde urethrography逆行尿道造影

fluid replacement补液

bowel sounds肠鸣音

as extravasation of sterile urine produces little peritoneal irritation. 无菌尿液外渗几乎不会产生腹膜刺激征。

extravasation /ik,strævə'seiʃən/n. 溢出;溢出物

sterile /ˈsterəl/adj. 不育的;无菌的;贫瘠的;不毛的;枯燥乏味的

peritoneal /,pɛrətə'niəl/adj. 腹膜的

hypotensive /,haipəu'tensiv/n. 低血压患者adj. 降低血压的;患低血压的

lumbar or sacral plexus腰丛或骶丛








