

Generally, hand burns should be dealt with in a specialized unit. Superficial burns are covered with moist non-adherent dressings; the hand is elevated and finger movements are encouraged. Partial thickness burns can usually be allowed to heal spontaneously; the hand is dressed with an antimicrobial cream and splinted in the position of safety.

Full thickness burns will not heal. Devitalized tissue should be excised; the wound is cleaned and dressed and 2–5 days later skin-grafted. Full thickness circumferential burns may need early escharotomy to preserve the distal circulation. Skin flaps are sometimes needed in sites such as the thumb web which are prone to contracture. The hand should be splinted in the position of safety; K-wires may be needed to

maintain this position.

Electric burns may cause extensive damage and thrombosis which become apparent only after several days. The patient may of course need resuscitation (treating cardiac anomalies and myoglobinuria). The arm needs to be monitored and fasciotomy with debridement of dead tissue is often needed.

Chemical burns should be irrigated copiously for 20 or 30 minutes, usually with water or saline but sometimes with a specific reagent (calcium gluconate for hydrogen fluoride burns, soda lime or magnesium solution for hydrochloric acid, mineral oil for sodium).

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


moist/mɔɪst/adj. 潮湿的;湿润的;多雨的;含泪的n. 潮湿

antimicrobial /,æntimaɪ'krobiəl; ,æntaɪ'krobiəl/n. 杀菌剂,抗菌剂adj. 杀菌的,抗菌的

Devitalized tissue失活组织

Devitalize/diˈvaɪtəlˌaɪz/v. (使)失去生命,衰弱

the wound is cleaned and dressed and 2–5 days later skin-grafted. 伤口清洗、包扎,2-5天后植皮。

circumferential /sərˌkʌmfəˈrenʃəl/adj. 圆周的


eschar/'eskɑ/n. [外科] 焦痂(烧伤后的疮痂)

thumb web拇指蹼

prone to 有…倾向的

contracture/kənˈtræktʃər/n. [医] 挛缩

thrombosis /θrɑːmˈboʊsɪs/n. [病理] 血栓形成;血栓症

resuscitation/rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃn/n. 复苏;复兴;复活

myoglobinuria/,maiə'gləubənjuəriə/n. [临床] 肌红蛋白尿;[临床] 肌红蛋白尿症

fasciotomy /fæʃi'ɔtəmi/n. [外科] 筋膜切开术

debridement /di'bri:dmənt/n. [外科] 清创术;扩创术

copiously /'kəupiəsli/adv. 充裕地;丰富地

reagent  /riˈeɪdʒənt/n. [试剂] 试剂;反应物

calcium gluconate 葡萄糖酸钙

hydrochloric acid盐酸







