

Closed reduction

The surgeon pulls strongly on the dorsiflexed hand; then, while maintaining traction, he or she slowly palmarflexes the wrist, at the same time squeezing the lunate backwards with his or her other thumb. These manoeuvres usually effect reduction; they also prevent conversion of a perilunate to a lunate dislocation. A plaster slab is applied holding the wrist neutral. Percutaneous K-wires may be needed to hold the reduction.

Open reduction

Reduction is imperative, and if closed reduction fails, or if a later x-ray shows that the wrist has collapsed into the familiar DISI pattern, open reduction is performed. The carpus is exposed by an anterior approach which has the advantage of decompressing the carpal tunnel. While an assistant pulls on the hand, the lunate is levered into place and kept there by a K-wire which is inserted through the lunate into the capitate. If the scaphoid is fractured, this too can be reduced and fixed with a Herbert screw or K-wires. Where possible, the torn soft tissues should be repaired through palmar and dorsal approaches. At the end of the procedure, the wrist is splinted in a plaster slab, which is retained for 3 weeks. Finger, elbow and shoulder exercises are practised throughout this period. The K-wires are removed at 6 weeks.

This injury is frequently accompanied by severe compression of the median nerve, which should be released.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》


squeezing /ˈskwiːzɪŋ/n. 挤压;压榨;挤出物v. 挤压,紧握,捏;榨出,挤出;(使)挤入,塞进;勒索;严格限制;向……施加压力(squeeze 的现在分词)

manoeuvres /məˈnuːvər/n. 特技动作,熟练动作;(尤指以欺骗为目的)策略,手段;欺诈性操作;军事演习(等于 maneuver)v. (使谨慎或熟练地)移动;操控,使花招;诱使,诱导

conversion  /kənˈvɜːrʒn/n. 转换;变换;[金融] 兑换;改变信仰

slab /slæb/n. 厚板,平板;混凝土路面;厚片vt. 把…分成厚片;用石板铺

imperative /ɪmˈperətɪv/adj. 必要的,不可避免的;紧急的;命令的,专横的;势在必行的;[语]祈使的n. 必要的事;命令;需要;规则;[语]祈使语气

decompressing减压v. (使)解除压力(decompress 的现在分词)

Where possible在可能的情况下;尽可能

This injury is frequently accompanied by severe compression of the median nerve, which should be released.这种损伤常常伴有正中神经受到严重压迫,应予以释放。








