






The perils of learning in English 





The perils of learning in English


Young children should be taught in their mother tongue instead


When Winston Churchill was at Harrow School, he was in the lowest stream. This did not, he wrote in “My Early Life”, blight his academic career, for “I gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys. They all went on to learn Latin and Greek and splendid things like that...We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English...Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence—which is a noble thing.”


Partly thanks to Churchill and the post-war Anglo-American ascendancy, English is these days prized, not despised. Over a billion people speak it as either their first or second language; more still as a third or fourth language.

如今人们对英语推崇备至,而不是厌恶鄙弃,部分得归功于丘吉尔和战后美国的崛起 。超过十亿人以英语作为母语或第二语言,还有更多的人将其作为第三语言或第四语言。

English perfectly exemplifies the “network effects” of a global tongue: the more people use it, the more useful it is. English is the language of international business, law, science, medicine, entertainment and—since the second world war, to the fury of the French—diplomacy. Anybody who wants to make their way in the world must speak it. All of which has, of course, been of great benefit to this newspaper, which has floated on a rising linguistic tide.


It is not surprising that there is a surge in “English-medium” education all over the world. In some regions—such as East Asia and Latin America—the growth is principally among the rich. In others—Africa and South Asia, where former colonies never quite escaped the language’s grip—it is happening at all income levels. Parents’ desire for their children to master English is spurring the growth of private schooling; parents in the slums of Delhi and Lagos buy English-medium education in the hope that their children will gain a university degree, obtain good jobs and even join a glittering world of global professionals.


Where the private sector leads, governments are following. Some countries have long chosen to teach in English as a political expedient, because a local language would prove contentious. But even where public schools teach children in their mother tongue, or a local language, education authorities are switching to English medium, in part to stem the outflow of children into the private sector. That has happened in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan; many Indian states have started large or small English-medium experiments. In Africa most children are supposed to be taught in a local language in the first few years, but often, through parental pressure or a lack of textbooks, it does not happen.


Teaching children in English is fine if that is what they speak at home and their parents are fluent in it. But that is not the case in most public and low-cost private schools. Children are taught in a language they don’t understand by teachers whose English is poor. The children learn neither English nor anything else.


Research demonstrates that children learn more when they are taught in their mother tongue than they do when they are taught in any other language (see article). In a study of children in the first three years in 12 schools in Cameroon, those taught in Kom did better than those taught in English in all subjects. Parents might say that the point is to prepare children for the workplace, and that a grasp of English is more use than sums or history. Yet by year five the children taught in Kom outperformed English-medium children even in English. Perhaps this is because they gain a better grasp of the mechanics of reading and writing when they are learning the skills in a language they understand.


English should be an important subject at school, but not necessarily the language of instruction. Unless they are confident of the standard of English on offer, parents should choose mother-tongue education. Rather than switching to English-medium teaching, governments fearful of losing custom to the private sector should look at the many possible ways of improving public schools—limiting the power of obstructive teachers’ unions, say, or handing them over to private-sector managers and developing good curriculums and so on.


Pakistani Punjab has decided to end the English experiment; Uganda has introduced mother-tongue instruction in 12 different languages in the first four years of schooling. More should follow. After all, it was a good education in his mother tongue, rather than in the classics then favoured by the British aristocracy, that won Churchill the Nobel prize for literature.






Charlotte,女,子瞻太白本命 经学粉

Eva ,女,经贸翻译学生,经济学粉丝




Yuki,女 ,MPA专业大三,CATTI二笔  ,智性恋晚期






如果在学校老师和家长英文水平有限的情况下,用英文作为教学语言,的确会造成不小的问题。从我的教学观察,拿国际学校为例: 某些中国家长为了给孩子更好的教学环境,不惜重金供孩子去国际学校,殊不知,国际学校也是良莠不齐,某些地区的国际学校请的老师只是外国人的面孔,其实压根没有什么教学背景,英语水平也是马马虎虎,而中国家长的英文水平也是有限,在这样的环境中学习,孩子的英文水平和其他学科知识的水平也就可想而知了。所以我特别赞同文章观点,在条件不成熟的情况下,贸然用英语来教学,还不如用母语来的好。英语作为国际流通的语言,地位毋庸置疑,要好好学习也无可厚非,但把它当媒介来学习其他知识,还是需要慎重考虑。我认为,作为学习口语交流来说,有条件的偶尔去国外游学,尽早开始还是不错的。但其他学科来说,最好还是用母语来学习,避免一些误解引起理解的偏差。等到英语水平足够好了,可以作为工作语言了,再去作为工具或媒介来学习更多的知识,因为有些时候,翻译出来的毕竟是会造成一些信息的偏差,这个不可避免。所以学好英语,来作为一门打开世界大门的钥匙,让我们更好的去和世界沟通。但不建议在英语水平还不够时,用它去学习其他学科。



独立思考 | 国际视野 | 英文学习


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