雅思口语| Part2:错误信息 An experience you got incorrect information

1 one's heart thumping very fast 心砰砰狂跳

I couldn't find the building that I'd been to once, my heart thumping very fast. 我找不到那栋楼了,虽然之前去过一次。所以我的心砰砰狂跳。

2 glance up and down 东张西望

I glanced up and down the street and then got a glimpse of a middle-aged man. 我在这条街上东张西望,然后看到了一个中年男子。

3 stride towards 大步走过去

I strode towards him and asked the location of the building. 我大步走过去,然后问了问这栋楼的具体位置。

4 blurt out 脱口而出

''Turn right, and then you'll find it!'' the man blurted out. 往右走,这个男的脱口而出。

5 dash to 冲过去

So, I dashed to the area the man had said. 所以我冲到这个人说的位置去。

6 turn out to be wrong 证明是错的

What the had said turned out to be wrong, so I had a butterfly in my stomach. 发现他说的不对,我开始紧张了。

7 resort to the map 查看地图

Then, it hit me that I should resort to the map. 然后我想到可以自己查看地图。

8 sprint up the stairs 飞奔上楼

Later, I sprinted up the stairs and panted for breath. 之后我飞奔上楼,气喘吁吁。

9 keep colliding with others 不断和别人撞在一起

I kept colliding with others on the stairs. 我在楼梯上老是和人家撞在一起。

10 slump in a chair 瘫在椅子里

I entered the room and shuffled towards a chair then slumped in it, with my glasses off and my eyes closed. 我走进了房间,拖着走向椅子,然后瘫在椅子上,摘掉了眼镜,双眼紧闭着。

