雅思口语 Sport 8分语料

1 wash away every disturbing thought 冲刷掉心烦意乱的想法

Swimming is genuinely refreshing and literally, washes away disturbing thought I have whenever I dive into cold water. 游泳能让人神清气爽,当我纵身一跃,跳进冰冷的水里,就能冲刷掉心烦意乱的想法。

2 get rejuvenated/ri'dʒu:vəneitid/恢复活力

No matter how tight my schedule may get, I usually pat at least one visit to a local swimming pool to work myself up and get rejuvenated. 不管我的日程多紧,我一周都会去游一次泳,这样可以激起我的精神,恢复活力。

3 build your endurance 增加你的耐力

Just like any other sports, swimming helps maintain your health, keep you fit as well as build your endurance. 和其他运动一样,游泳可以让你保持健康,增加你的耐力。

4 bring comfort and relaxation 带来舒适和放松

It's a very relaxing and peaceful form of exercise , you don't even sweat for hours---a supreme advantage. Therefore, if you're looking for a kind of sport that brings you comfort and relaxation, swimming should be your first choice. 这种锻炼方式让人放松,也让人内心平和。你不会出几个小时的汗,这正是最重要的优势。因此,如果你想找到一种能带来舒适和放松的运动,那么游泳是你的第一选择。

