



1. 不定式

①基本形式:to do(表示主动,并且一般表示将来)

②被动式:to be done(表示被动,并且一般表示将来)

③进行式:to be doing (表示主动和进行)

④完成时:to have done(表示主动和完成)

⑤完成被动式:to have been done(表示被动和完成)

⑥完成进行式:to have been doing (表示主动和完成进行)

The teacher told us to do morning exercises.


The car to be bought is for his sister.


She pretended to be reading when the teacher came into the classroom.


The thief is said to have escaped.


The thief is said to have been arrested.


She is said to have been working in the factory over the last 20 years.


2. 动名词

①基本形式:doing (表示主动)

②被动式:being done(表示被动)

③完成式:having done(表示主动和完成)

④完成被动式:having been done(表示被动和完成)

Travelling in space by ordinary people will be common in the future.


Freddy and his band could go nowhere without being followed by their fans. Freddy


I have no idea of his having done such a thing against you.


Many customers complain of having been given short weight at that shop.


3. 现在分词

①基本形式:doing (表示主动和进行)

②被动式:being done(表示被动和进行)

③完成式:having done(表示主动和完成)

④完成被动式:having been done(表示被动和完成)

He sat there,reading a newspaper.


The area being studied may be rich in coal.


Having finished my homework,I began to watch TV.


Having been told many times,she still can t remember it.


4. 过去分词:done


polluted river 被污染的河流;fallen leaves 落叶




1. 不定式:做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补语。

To learn a foreign language is difficult .(作主语)


It’s easy to see their aunt.(作真正主语,it做形式主语)


Tom wanted to have a cup of beer.(作宾语)


His wish is to be a driver.(作表语)


I have nothing to say.(作定语)


The teacher told us to do morning exercises . (作宾语补足语)


They went to see their aunt. (目的状语)


2. 动名词:做主语、宾语、表语、定语和补语。

Learning English is very difficult .(作主语)


I enjoy dancing.(作动词宾语)


I have got used to living in the country.(作介词宾语)


His job is driving a bus.(作表语)


3. 现在分词:做表语、定语、状语和补语

The story is interesting.


He sat there,reading a newspaper.(作状语)


The area being studied may be rich in coal.(作定语)


He saw the thief stealing some money from the bank.(作宾补)


4. 过去分词:做表语、定语、状语和补语

He is interested in the news.(作表语)


polluted river(做定语)


Given more time,I can do my work better.(做状语)


I found my watch stolen.(做宾补)



1. 须用省去to 的不定式(do)作宾补的11个动词。
五看(see、watch、notice、observe、look at)
两听(hear、listen to)
I saw a big bird fly over the roof of the house yesterday.
see sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事
see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事
see sb./sth. done 看到某人/某物被......
I see him make the phone call.
I see him making a phone call.
We often see him surrounded by much work.
2. 只接不定式(不能接动名词)作宾语的25个常用动词
want、would like、wish、help、hope、learn、manage、offer、plan、afford、agree、arrange、ask、beg、care、choose、decide、demand、determine、expect、fear、prepare、pretend、promise、refuse
3. 只接动名词(不能接不定式)作宾语的28个常用动词
practice、consider、enjoy、finish、give up、imagine、keep、put off、risk、suggest、admit、advise、allow、appreciate、avoid、delay、deny、discuss、dislike、escape、excuse、fancy、forbid、mention、 mind、miss、permit、prohibit
4. 既可接不定式也可接动名词,但含义完全不同的8个动词
remember to do sth. 记住要做某事(未做)
remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做)
forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做)
forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已做)
regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(未做)
regret doing sth. 后悔/抱歉做过某事(已做)
try to do sth. 努力做某事
try doing sth. 尝试做某事
mean to do sth. 计划做某事
mean doing sth. 意味着做某事
can’t help to do sth. 不能帮助做某事
can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事
stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事
stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情
5. 所有非谓语动词的完成形式都不能做定语如to have done、to have been done、to have been doing、having done 和 having been done。


1. 判断非谓语动作的逻辑主语,以此来确定它表示主动含义还是被动含义。
2. 判断非谓语动作与谓语动作的先后关系。
和谓语动作同时发生表示进行,应用以上提到的进行式(to be doing和doing);发生在谓语动作之后表示将来,应用(to do和to be done);发生在谓语动作之前表示完成,应用(to have done、to have been done、to have been doing、having done、having been done和done)。
(1)_____ all my money>A. Spending
B. Spend
C. To spend
D. Having spent
【答案与解析】D “已经花了所有的钱买车”做时间状语,所以其逻辑主语应是句子主语“我”。“我”与“花钱”之间应该是主动关系,并且“花钱”发生在谓语动作“can’t afford a holiday”之前,所以非谓语动词应用主动和完成的含义,故选“D”。
(2)An exercise method         to improve strength and balance is becoming popular in the United States.
A. designing
B. designed
C. to be designed
D. being designed
【答案与解析】B “设计”在这里是定语,修饰其前的“an exercise method”,所以其逻辑主语应该是它的被修饰词“an exercise method”,所以表被动。因为“设计”这个动词在这里本身已经完成,所以应用表示被动完成含义的designed。
(3)Open your heart, and you’ll make yourself better ______.
A. known
B. knowing
C. to know
D. know
【答案与解析】A  ”知道,了解“在这里做宾补,所以其逻辑主语是其前的宾语”yourself“,”yourself“和”知道,了解“在这里是被动关系,所以选择过去分词”known“。


1.                    (encourage) by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.
2.                   (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height.
3. He had a wonderful childhood,                   (travel) with his mother to all corners of the world.
4.                  (look) at my classmates’ faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.
5. The lady walked around the shops,                   (keep) an eye out for bargains.
6. I have a lot of readings                   (complete) before the end of this term.
7. It rained heavily in the south,                  (cause) serious flooding in several provinces.
8. A great number of students                   (question) said they were forced to practise the piano.
9. Mrs.White showed her students some old maps                    (borrow) from the library.
10. With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank                     (buy) presents for my dad.
11.                    (see) from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.
12. With the government’s aid, those                    (affect) by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.
13.                    (complete) the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.
14. The news shocked the public,                   (lead) to great concern about students’ safety at school.
15. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock,                  ( send) supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.
16.                   (bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.
17.                    (remind) not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.
18.                   (give) the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow the international stars.
19. The children all turned                      (look) at the famous actress as she entered the classroom.
20. A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city,                     (kill) all four people on board.
21. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,                  (compare) with his old one.
22. — Did the book give the information you needed?
— Yes. But                     (find) it,I had to read the entire book.
23.                     (throw) their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.
24. We finished the run in less than half the time                   (allow).
25. The trees                    (blow) down in the storm have been moved off the road.
26.                    (complete) the project as planned,we’ll have to work two more hours a day.
27.I’m tired out.I stayed up the whole night,                    (study) for my midterm math exam.
28.                    (raise) people’s living standards, the central government will take more measures in the coming years.
29. He told me to start early,                   (remind) me that the roads would be crowded.
30.                    (import) from other countries, sand painting is now being recognized in China for its uniqueness and creativity.
31.                  (live) in the country, we h

ad few social activities.

32. She seems to prefer                   (watch) American TV Shows to talking to me.
33.                  (control) her emotion, she buried her face in her hands.
34. The reporter apologized for any misunderstandings                    (cause) by his article on that film star.
35.                   (lower) the housing price, several measures have been adopted in the last two years.
36. Programmes,                   (design) to bring the old and the young together, are growing in popularity all over the world.
37.                   (gain) valuable experience, he asked to be sent to remote areas.
38. The seats                   (reserve) for children and seniors are right at the front of the buses.
39.Many things such as going abroad and owning a car,                   (consider) impossible in

the past, are now very common.

40. After a long absence, I went back to college,                  (hope) to pick up where I’d left off.
41. Was it                   (hold) the international conference that made the city the focus of this area?
42. I’m sorry I was late.                   (make) up for it, let me treat you to a meal.
43.                  (save) power, turn off the hot water after you are done showering.
44. A person, when                   (challenge), can often do what is normally beyond his ability.
45.                   (offer) a better position at IBM, he became more and more confident of his ability.
46. Today, people are paying more and more attention to their health,                    (make) books on keeping healthy extremely hot.
47. More than a quarter of the energy                  (use) in the United States goes to moving people and goods from one place to another.
48. The reporter apologized for any misunderstandings                   (cause) by his article on that film star.
49. Some seemingly harmless blogs might become harmful when                   (read) on the Internet by millions of people.
50. Not                  (impress) with the quality of your goods, I will certainly not advise others to buy them.

1. Encouraged



5. keeping

7. causing

9. borrowed

11. Seen

13. To complete

15. sending

17. Reminded

19. to look

21. compared

23. Throwing

25. blown

27. studying

29. reminding

31. Living

33. To control

35. To lower

37. To gain

39. considered

41. holding

43. To save

45. Offered

47. used

49. read

2. Approaching

4. Looking

6. to complete

8. questioned

10. to buy

12. affected

14. leading

16. Bitten

18. Given

20. killing

22. to find

24. allowed

26. To complete

28. To raise

30. Imported

32. watching

34. caused

36. designed

38. reserved

40. hoping

42. To make

44. challenged

46. making

48. caused

50. impressed





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