

国际象棋需要全神贯注。--鲍比.费舍尔 Chess demands total concentration. -- Bobby Fischer

国际象棋棋手唯一的共同点就是国际象棋。-- 洛代维克.普林斯

The only thing chess players have in common is chess. -- Lodewijk Prins

年龄给一些人带来智慧,给其他人带来象棋。-- 埃文萨沙

Age brings wisdom to some men, and to others chess. -- Evan Esar

如果你热爱国际象棋,那你只会越下越好。-- 博比.菲舍尔

You can only get good at Chess if you love the game. -- Bobby Fischer

国际象棋的精髓是思考什么是国际象棋。戴维.布龙斯坦 The essence of Chess is thinking about what Chess is. -- David Bronstein

“下棋并不总是关乎胜利,有时候只是关乎学习,生活亦是如此。” 'Chess is not always about winning. Sometimes it's simply about learning. And so is life.'

国际象棋对每一个幸福的家庭都是必不可少的。-- 普希金


“关于国际象棋,有人说用一生的时间去下棋都不够,但那是生命的错,而不是国际象棋。” —威廉·埃沃特·纳皮尔

“Of Chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not Chess” -- William Ewart Napier

“大胆的想法就像棋手在下棋;他们可能会被打败,但他们可能会开始一场胜利的棋局。” -- 歌德

“Daring ideas are like chessmen moving forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet, dramatist


真爱就像下国际象棋。男孩下棋,总是害怕失去王后,而女孩为了保护她的国王不惜一切代价。True love is like playing chess. A boy plays and always afraid of losing his queen, and the girl risks everything just to protect her king.

“我个人得出的结论是,虽然所有的艺术家都不是国际象棋选手,但所有的国际象棋选手都是艺术家。”—马塞尔·杜尚 “I have come to the personal conclusion that while all artists are not chess players, all chess players are artists.” – Marcel Duchamp


