1/1 【历史上的今天】仅凭这纸宣言,林肯改变了内战局面
When: January 1, 1863
What: The Emancipation Proclamation took effect, which ended slavery in the rebelling states.
Why significant: The proclamation signaled an important shift in the Union’s aims for fighting the civil war, expanding the goal of the war from reunification to include the eradication of slavery.
The proclamation was a shrewd maneuver by Lincoln to brand the Confederate States as a slave nation and render foreign aid impossible, especially that of the Great Britain. When reunification was the sole goal of the North, the Confederates could be viewed by foreigners as freedom fighters being held against their will by the Union. But after the Emancipation Proclamation, the Southern cause was now to defend slavery.
It had the effect on British opinion that Lincoln desired. Britain, which was ideologically opposed to slavery, could no longer recognize the Confederacy, and goodwill towards the Union forces swelled in Britain. With the proclamation, Lincoln effectively isolated the Confederacy and killed the institution that was at the root of sectional differences.
Tags: American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Reconstruction Amendments, The 13th Amendment, slavery, racism, equality
