Astronomy Picture of the Day——巴西上空的猎户座

Orion Rising over Brazil
Image Credit & Copyright: Carlos Fairbairn
Explanation: Have you seen Orion lately? The next few months will be the best for seeing this familiar constellation as it rises continually earlier in the night. However, Orion's star sand nebulas won't look quite as colorful to the eye as they do in this fantastic camera image. In the featured image, Orion was captured by camera showing its full colors last month over a Brazilian copal tree from Brazil's Central-West Region. Here the cool red giant Betelgeuse takes on a strong orange hue as the brightest star on the far left. Otherwise, Orion's hot blue stars are numerous, with supergiant Rigel balancing Betelgeuse at the upper right, Bellatrix at the upper left, and Saiph at the lower right. Lined up in Orion's belt (bottom to top) are Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka all about 1,500 light-years away, born of the constellation's well studied interstellar clouds. And if a "star" toward the upper right Orion's sword looks reddish and fuzzy to you, it should. It's the stellar nursery known as the Great Nebula of Orion.
你最近有看到猎户座吗?接下来的几个月将是观测这个熟悉星座的最佳时间,因为未来几个月它将持续在夜晚的早些时候升起。然而,用肉眼观察,猎户座的恒星和星云看上去并不像这幅照片所呈现的那样五彩缤纷。这幅照片于上月拍摄于巴西中西部地区,呈现了一棵柯巴树上空的全彩色猎户座。照片最左侧的最亮星是泛着橙色光芒的冰冷红巨星参宿四。猎户座的炽热蓝色恒星数量众多,超巨星参宿七、参宿五和参宿六分别位于影像的右上方,左上方和右下方。 猎户座腰带上自底向上排列的恒星分别是参宿一、参宿二和参宿三,它们距离地球约1,500光年。如果你觉得右上方的一颗“恒星”看起来是微红且模糊,那么它应该就是猎户座星云的恒星孕育场。
Astronomy Picture of the Day——被吞食的木星与银河
Astronomy Picture of the Day——月球后方的土星
Astronomy Picture of the Day——异常信号暗示黑洞摧毁了中子星