在英语中 eye 和 candy 分别是眼睛和糖果的意思,但 eye candy 跟眼睛和糖果都没有关系,不过从 candy 可以猜到几分意思,它被用来比喻有魅力但不聪明的人或华而不实的东西,相当于另一个习语 white elephant.
Take all those white elephants to the flea market.The pavilion has become a £ 4 million steel and glass white elephant.这个耗资400万英镑、用钢与玻璃所构筑起的亭子已经成了一个华而不实的摆设。She had paid an excessive amount for these shoes, but they were eye candy only, seeing as she couldn’t walk in them.她花了太多钱买了这双鞋,但因为她穿了难以行走,所以这双鞋成了累赘物。尽管皮特很有魅力,穿着也很时髦,但不幸的是,他是她见过的最无聊的男人。
此时的 eye candy 有点类似于 showy,grandiose [ˈɡrændiəʊs] 等,它用来表示花里胡哨的,常带有讽刺意味,例如:
Her dress was too showy for such a formal occasion.They were smart but not showy.The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing.Not one of Kim's grandiose plans has even begun.
Eye candy 还可以用来表示网站或应用程序里的华丽的动画或图片效果,用来吸引别人的眼球,例如:Most of the images on the website are not more than eye candy.The company website was pure eye candy because it looks good, but nothing is interesting when you dig deeper.该公司的网站纯粹是华丽的图片,因为它看起来不错,但当你深挖时,丝毫没有令人感兴趣的地方。
相对于贬义的 eye candy 和 showy ,我们通常用褒义的 attractive 来形容某人或某物有吸引力的,对应的副词和名词分别是 attractively 和 attractiveness,例如:I thought he was very attractive and obviously very intelligent.That's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality.We need to make the club attractive to a wider range of people.Their house is attractively decorated.He handed me his attractively designed business card.When the dollar is weak, it increases the attractiveness of US goods.There are many ways to enhance the attractiveness of home ownership.
此时的 attractive 类似于 eye 的另外一个习语 a sight for sore eyes,不要把它理解为”让人眼痛“等,例如:Charlie, I can't believe you're back in town! Get over here, you're a sight for sore eyes!查理,真不敢相信你回来了!到这儿来,我很想见到你!
I'm so tired after being on tour. My bed is a sight for sore eyes.
pavilion [pəˈvɪliən] 意为”临时建筑物“等