
You may check somebody's breath and declare them dead, but they can still feel sensations.


There's a whole school of udan in China, where you might have seen those movies, where they have mastery over udana where they can float around a little bit. There are yogic practices to activate this.


If vyana recedes, even when you're alive, body will begin to rot. There are certain types of snake venoms which can do this. This is the reason why in this culture you have rituals running up to fourteen days.


Dr. Rajasekaran: Sadhguru, you said about life. And that brings a big question what doctors have about life. Now they say we have one trillion cells in our body...


Sadhguru: Mhmm.


Dr. Rajasekaran: …and each of this cell is living by itself. And when you say a patient is no more, it's just that the brain dies after two or three minutes, but still a large part of his body is still alive.


Sadhguru: That has changed now. Doctors are saying the brain lives for over ten hours. Today the new…


Dr. Rajasekaran: So he is dead but the brain is living. His skin, his muscles, his bones live for many hours. So, we have said, “He’s dead” but a large part of his body is still alive. And these cells even when after the patient is dead, you take the cells and put in a cul...


Sadhguru: Those of you who are all shaving every day, even after you're dead, we still have to shave you. You know this?


Dr. Rajasekaran: The hair grows.


Sadhguru: That is why I'm ready, you know? Now, you asked why if somebody is dead, still some of the cells are active. It has been recorded up to ten hours there is lot of activity and actually the brain goes into a certain level of activity and produces certain very surprising elements in the last ten hours after somebody is medically dead. As I said, dead bodies are given a shave up to ten, eleven days. Why this is so?


What we're calling as life physically is a mechanism on many different levels. There is hardware and there is software. You are core of hardware – bones. The software is equally important. Otherwise, how would a cell know that it's a human cell that it is not a pig cell or a tree cell or something else? How does it know? Because there is an entire software, there is memory – evolutionary memory, genetic memory, karmic memory. There are varieties of memories imposed on every cell in the system so that it never gets confused. If you eat dog food for three days you will not become a dog, isn't it? Because the memory is entrenched in this.

我们称之为生命的东西,在生理上 是一个很多不同层面上的机制。有硬件,也有软件。你是硬件的核心——骨头。而软件也同等重要。不然,一个细胞如何知道它是一个人类细胞?它不是猪的细胞或树的细胞或别的东西?它怎么知道?因为有一整套软件,有记忆——进化记忆、遗传记忆、业力记忆,有各种各样的记忆在系统的每一个细胞里,所以它从不会混淆。如果你吃了三天狗粮你也不会变成狗,不是吗?因为这里的记忆是根深蒂固的。

So there is a whole software. The software package is actually bigger than the hardware – much bigger. And it is energized by what we are considering as a life force. In yoga, we call this prana. It manifests itself in five basic dimensions. There are other forms to it, which gets too complicated.


Five basic forms – these are called prana vayu, samana vayu, apana vayu, udana vayu and vyana. These have different functions – prana is related to breath, respiratory action and thought process. If the prana vayu depletes, your respiratory action will go away. So immediately, doctor checks and says, 'He's dead.' they'll try to pump their chest, if he doesn't come back, he's dead. Respiration and your pulmonary action are very directly connected – once respiration stops, that process will naturally come to an end. So prana vayu is gone.

五个基本形态——它们被称为prana vayu(生命能量)、samana vayu(平行气)、apana vayu(下行气)、udana vayu(上行气)和vyana(遍行气)。它们的功能各不相同——prana和呼吸、呼吸作用和思考过程有关。如果prana vayu耗尽了,你的呼吸会停止。所以,医生检查了就会立刻说,“他死了。”他们会试图电击他们的胸部,如果他没有反应,他就是死了。呼吸和你的脉搏紧密相连——一旦呼吸停止了,那个过程会自然地结束。所以prana vayu没有了。

It's not like one after another they will go. They will go at the same time, but one goes means this is gone. If samana vayu goes – this is in charge of generating heat in the system – so once samana vayu starts receding, the body starts getting cold and it also starts becoming stiff. Once apana vayu starts receding in a major way, then the sensory aspect of it... We must understand this, you may check somebody's breath and declare them dead, but they can still feel sensations. There have been any number of cases where people get terrified because a dead body moves a little bit. This has happened again and again, many, many times that when he's been medically declared dead, there are twitchings in the body that happen in a very mild way because the sensory activity is still on. Still, life is not fully convinced that it's finished. It is still making an effort of its own.

它们不是一个接一个离开的。它们会同时离开,但是某一个离开了就意味着一切结束了。如果samana vayu(平行气)离开——它掌管在系统中产生热量——所以一旦samana vayu(平行气)开始减弱,身体就会开始变冷并且开始变僵硬。当apana vayu(下行气)开始大幅减弱,那么在感官方面……我们必须明白这一点,你或许会查看一个人的呼吸然后宣布他死亡,但是他们仍然能够有感知。有过许多人们被吓坏的案例,因为尸体动了一下。这种事已经不断上演了很多次,当一个人被宣告医学死亡了,身体却发生了轻微的抽搐,因为感官活动依然在进行着。并且,生命本身还没有充分意识到一切结束了。它依然在努力运作。

When udana vayu goes away, then the buoyancy is gone. When I say buoyancy, see, you may weigh seventy or eighty or whatever number of... I'm sorry. Maybe you weigh fifty or fifty-five kilograms whatever is your weight, you don't – let's say you're very happy and alive right now – you don't feel fifty kilograms on you, isn't it? Hello?

当udana vayu(上行气)离开了,那么轻盈感就消失了。当我说轻盈感,那么也许你的体重是70或80或者任何数字……对不起。也许你的体重是50或55公斤,不管你的体重是多少,你不——如果说你此刻非常快乐有活力——你感觉不到身上有50公斤,对吗?

Participants: Yes.


Sadhguru: It is there. If you stand on the scale, it is there. But when you walk, it is not there simply because this udana creates a buoyancy – It makes you less available to gravity. There are yogic practices

to activate this. There's a whole school of udan in China where you might have seen those movies... Hollywood movies – what is that? Crouching Tiger or something, something. What?


Dr. Rajasekaran: Hidden Dragon.


Sadhguru: Yes. So these are udan schools, where they have mastery over udana where they can float around a little bit. Well, little exaggerated in the movies, but becomes lighter, more buoyant body. For a martial arts fighter, to be buoyant is important. There have been many cases where certain ballet dancers and martial arts experts have shown what is physically not possible, they have done by leaping up to heights, which all physicists believe is simply impossible. But they've gone beyond that level simply by creating more buoyancy.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):是的。所以这些udan学校,在那里他们会掌控udana,他们能够漂浮起来一点。当然了,在电影里有所夸大了,但身体变得更轻快、轻盈。对于一个会武功的人来说,轻盈非常重要。也有许多案例,芭蕾舞者们和武术大师们展现出了物理上不可能的现象,他们可以跳得很高,物理学家们认为那是不可能的 。但是他们仅仅通过创造更多的轻盈感就超越了那个程度。

So udana is in charge of buoyancy. Once udana starts receding, suddenly, body becomes heavy. Always it was the same weight. Weight does not increase, but you can feel the weight much more simply because udana is gone. This, doctors may know – maybe doctors don't do it, the people who work in the hospitals may know, carrying a live person and a dead person, there's a big difference, simply because udana is gone, there is no buoyancy.

所以udana掌管轻盈感,一旦udana开始减弱,身体忽然就变沉重了。体重是一样的,重量没有增加,但是你更能感觉到重量了,只是因为udana没有了。这一点,医生们或许知道 –——也许医生们不做这些,在医院工作的人也许知道,抬一个活人和抬一个死人区别非常大,仅仅是因为udana消失了,就没有了轻盈感。

The fourth dimension is called vyana. This is preservative in nature. If vyana recedes, even when you're alive, body will begin to rot. There are certain types of snake venoms which can do this. If they bite you, you will not die. But literally parts of the body will start falling apart simply because vyana will recede and it will start falling apart. So, once vyana recedes, the rotting process will begin.


There are systems in yoga where we want all the seven to go reasonably together, within one-and-a-half hours we want it to go. In normal death, depending upon the age of a person, how vibrant a particular body is, it may take a long time. When I say long time, up to fourteen hours it may take. Vyana may take up to fourteen days to leave. This is the reason why in this culture you have rituals running up to fourteen days. Because they feel the vyana may be still there because when you bury a person, the vyana may be still hovering there, so up to fourteen days.


That is the reason why within one-and-a-half hours, in this culture, that was the rule. If somebody dies, within an hour-and-a-half you must cremate them. But then mistakes happened. When they were still alive, somebody put them on the funeral pyre. So they stretched it to four hours. Within four hours, you must cremate. But today, there are issues – all kinds of issues about it. So people are waiting for one day, two days – daughter is in America, she has to come, she'll come after three days, and they will wait.


But the idea is for the one who is dead we must understand this, you are... Do you? You don't diagnose people as dead, you declare them dead, right? There is a difference. So when you declare them dead, for you they're dead. As far as that person is concerned, in a way, all that's happened is – he is disembodied, he's lost his body. All his life he lived thinking he is a body, never realizing the physical mass that we carry is an accumulation from this planet – he never realized that. When suddenly he slips off the body, he tends to hover around the body because he's lost his discriminatory intelligence. Once you leave the body, the discriminatory intellect is not there, so this tends to hover around that body.


So in this culture, we said the moment we are sure that somebody is dead for sure, you must immediately cremate them because it's good for that dead, so they know the game is up. And it's also good for the living. You will see if somebody very dear to you is dead and their body is here, you keep on hallucinating, 'Maybe they're just sleeping, maybe they will sit up, maybe some miracle will happen. Maybe something else will happen.' You know, this will go on unnecessarily. You will see people are crying and big emotional drama is happening. But the moment you cremate them, you will see everybody becomes silent. Have you noticed this? Always. Because now everybody knows the game is up. It's for the living and for the dead.


So about life leaving the system, it is so entrenched, it is not something poop it'll go away like this. In stages it goes away because it's in stages it came in, it's in stages it'll go away.






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